Checkout and update repositories, optionally using Devopera public-key infrastructure (PKI)
- Can turn off vhosts so that installapp won't install them; useful if your vhost contains SSL cert references that don't exist.
- Added copyout with arbitrary substitution to installapp
- Fixed find bug by removing deprecated -h flag, replaced with -name
- SELinux port handling with docommon::seport
- added non-standard port handling to installapp
- replaced nested $repo with $repo_X vars to handle defaults properly
- getrepo doesn't automatically force submodules on to their master branch, but installapp would if its $repo were not overridden
- stopped forcing permissions by default on checked out shell scripts to +x, because git stores exec permissions in the repo
- dorepos::installapp can now install apps with their own cron tasks. By default install_crontabs = false, but it can be set using a resource collector or resource default if you have some kind of cron/automate profile.
- by default, when checking out a repo with submodules, put all submodules on to their master branch
- added symlinkdir feature to allow installed repos to put a symlink in another named folder, such as the user's home directory
- git pull now does a git submodule update too
- Changed ; to \; as puppet recognised former as incorrect escaping
Setup dorepos, initially with an empty list of repositories (no repos checked out)
class { 'dorepos' :
user => 'web',
user_git_name => 'devopera',
user_git_email => '',
After setup, checkout a repo
dorepos::getrepo { 'devopera-docommon-puppet-repo':
user => 'web',
provider => 'git',
path => '/var/www/git/',
source => '',
require => [Class['dorepos'], File['/var/www/git/']],
Copyright (C) 2012 Lightenna Ltd
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.