This repository provides:
a VueJS base stack:
- Customizable layout (Navbar, Sidebar, Footer) & generic components with Vuetify
- API axios client wrapped into reusable service
- Form validation & unit tests
- Dark theme & i18n support
a FastAPI base stack:
- Runnable from VSCode launch with or without docker containers
- Generic Firestore client (authentication with ADC)
- Generic PostgreSQL async client wrapped with SQLModel (SQLAlchemy 2.0)
These templates are:
- Based on cookiecutter
- Auto-pushable on Github when generated
- Auto-deployable on Cloud Run.
It assumes that each template is pushed on a separate Github repository
Install dependencies
cd cookiecutter-vuejs-fastapi-template python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt # Open provided workspace code .vscode/cookiecutter.code-workspace
Copy .env in both folders
Do not modify 'cookiecutter.key' values (replaced at generation)
# In frontend/ VITE_BASE_URL="http://localhost:8000/api" # (Optional): Used to set branch protection GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="<PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>" # For deployed version VITE_BASE_URL="https://<BACK_SERVICE_NAME>-<PROJECT_NUMBER>.{{ cookiecutter.gcloud_region }}"
# In backend/ ENV="local" GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID="{{cookiecutter.gcloud_project}}" # (Optional): Used to set branch protection GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="<PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>" SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI="postgresql+asyncpg://postgres:postgres@localhost:5434/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}_db" # For deployed version ENV="dev" SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='postgresql+asyncpg://postgres:postgres@/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}_db?host=/cloudsql/{{cookiecutter.gcloud_project}}:{{ cookiecutter.gcloud_region }}:{{ cookiecutter.project_slug.replace('_', '-') }}-instance' BACKEND_CORS_ORIGINS=["https://<FRONT_SERVICE_NAME>-<PROJECT_NUMBER>.{{ cookiecutter.gcloud_region }}"]
Use this repository to generate a Vuejs template project
cookiecutter cookiecutter-vuejs-fastapi-template/frontend # Will ask your needs from cookiecutter.json
'repository_name' allows you to specify an empty-existing Git repository to push the template on.
<github_username>/<repo_name> # Required format # 1. Ensure you have corrects SSH rights & access # 2. This will also set branch protection if you specified GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN variable in .env. # Change settings as your convenience in hooks_modules/branch_protection.json
'project_name' is the name on the top of ReadMe.
'project_slug' is the name of the generated folder
'description' will be added under the project name in the ReadMe.
'maintainer' has an informativ goal (not used in the template)
'navbar' integrate a navbar with i18n support, and a dark mode switch.
'sidebar' integrate a left sidebar with navigation.
'footer' integrate a footer.
'as_container' provide local dockerization and auto deploy on Cloud Run
Use this repository to generate a FastApi template project
cookiecutter cookiecutter-vuejs-fastapi-template/backend # Will ask your needs from cookiecutter.json
'repository_name' allows you to specify an empty-existing Git repository to push the template on.
<github_username>/<repo_name> # Required format # 1. Ensure you have corrects SSH rights & access # 2. This will also set branch protection if you specified GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN variable in .env. # Change settings as your convenience in hooks_modules/branch_protection.json
'project_name' is the name on the top of ReadMe.
'project_slug' is the name of the generated folder
'description' will be added under the project name in the ReadMe.
'maintainer' has an informativ goal (not used in the template)
'database' make you choose which type of database will be provided (Firestore, PostgreSQL with SQLModel, or Both)
'as_container' provide local dockerization and auto deploy on Cloud Run
'gcloud_project' is the GCP project ID on which the project will be deployed
Each template has its own github actions for generating the template, install dependencies, runs dev server & unit tests.
You can try github actions locally from root folder using act:
act -j test-run-template --rm -W .github/workflows/frontend_template.yaml
act -j test-run-template --rm -W .github/workflows/backend_template.yaml
- Add a specific database user and not postgres
- Optimize unit tests (bad scope fixture)
- Add User entity into TableView
- Add edit action into TableView