Library Management System is a web application built with Ruby on Rails that allows users to browse and borrow books from a library.
Ruby version 2.7.6 and Rails version
- View books available in the library.
- Borrow books from the library.
- Return borrowed books to the library.
- Restrict users from borrowing more books than the borrowing limit.
- Ensure users can only borrow one copy of a book at a time.
- Display borrowing history for each user.
Clone the repository:
Navigate to the project directory:
cd library_management
Install dependencies:
bundle install
Set up the database:
rails db:create rails db:migrate
Start the Rails server:
rails server Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to view the application.
Usage Navigate to the homepage to view the list of available books. Click on a book to view details and borrow it if available.
Testing This project includes RSpec tests for models and controllers.
To run the tests, use the following command:
bundle exec rspec