The driver can be used with CH341A USB to UART/I2C/SPI adapter boards to connect I2C devices to a Linux host.
Additionally, CH341A data pins that are not used for synchronous serial interfaces can be configured as GPIO pins. The driver can generate software interrupts for all input pins. One input pin can be connected with the CH341A interrupt pin to generate hardware interrupts.
The I2C interface driver was initially derived from CH341 I2C driver from Tse Lun Bien and extended by GPIO and interrupt handling capabilities. This fork is a rewrite of that to extend the I2C operations to unlimited size, add an option to enable/disable GPIO functionality to avoid module interrupt overhead when not using it for GPIO functions, restore I2CDetect functionality, and fix a few minor bugs.
By default, the driver uses the standard I2C bus speed of 100 kbps. I2C bus speeds of 20 kbps, 400 kbps and 750 kbps are also available.
Currently only basic I2C read and write functions (I2C_FUNC_I2C
) are supported natively. However, SMBus protocols are emulated (I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_EMUL
) with the exception of SMBus Block Read (I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BLOCK_DATA
) and SMBus Block Process Call (I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BLOCK_PROC_CALL
The CH341A only supports 7 bit addressing.
Due of the limited CH341A USB endpoint buffer size of 32 byte that is used for I2C data as well as adapter in-band signaling, the driver supports only I2C messages with a maximum data size of 26 bytes. This fork fixes that size limitation. The size wasn't limited by the endpoint buffer size, as a 32-byte endpoint is fairly typical for USB. Instead, it was limited by the module simply not breaking the message into parts to transmit to the chip. This version implements that and allows essentially unlimited size -- limited only by the target device's capabilities.
This I2C module conflicts with the SPI module for this CH341A chip, meaning only one of the two can be loaded at a time. See below.
Data pins D0...D7, which are normally used for SPI interface but not for the I2C interface, can be configured as GPIO pins as following.
Pin | Name | SPI Function (default) | Configurable as (CH341 default in bold face) |
15 | D0 | CS0 | Input, Output |
16 | D1 | CS1 | Input, Output |
17 | D2 | CS2 | Input, Output |
18 | D3 | SCK | Input, Output |
19 | D4 | OUT2 | Input, Output |
20 | D5 | OUT (MOSI) | Input, Output |
21 | D6 | IN2 | Input |
22 | D7 | IN (MISO) | Input |
Please note:
- Direction of pins 15 to 20 can be changed during runtime.
- Pin 21 and pin 22 can only be configured as input and their direction can't be changed during runtime.
- One of the inputs can be configured to generate hardware interrupts for rising edges of signals. For that purpose, the pin has to be connected with the CH341A INT pin 7.
Since USB access is asynchronous, it is not possible to guarantee exact timings for GPIOs and interrupts.
GPIO functionality can be enabled/disabled on this module. The default is DISABLED. Pass enable_gpio=1
when loading the module, or change the enable_gpio
global variable to true
before compiling, to enable it. This was done to avoid unnecessary USB polling of GPIO status and registering an URB with the kernel when not even using GPIO.
To compile the driver, you must have installed current kernel header files.
Even though it is not mandatory, it is highly recommended to use DKMS (dynamic kernel module support) for the installation of the driver. DKMS allows to manage kernel modules whose sources reside outside the kernel source tree. Such modules are then automatically rebuilt when a new kernel version is installed.
To use DKMS, it has to be installed before, e.g., with command
sudo apt-get install dkms
on Debian based systems.
The driver can be compiled with following commands:
git clone
cd i2c-ch341-usb
sudo make install
If DKMS is installed (recommended), command sudo make install
adds the driver to the DKMS tree so that the driver is recompiled automatically when a new kernel version is installed.
In case you have not installed DKMS, command sudo make install
simply copies the driver after compilation to the kernel modules directory. However, the module will not be loadable anymore and have to be recompiled explicitly when kernel version changes.
If you do not want to install the driver in the kernel directory at all because you only want to load it manually when needed, simply omit the sudo make install
Once the driver is installed, it should be loaded automatically when you connect a device with USB device id 1a86:5512
. If not, try to figure out whether the USB device is detected correctly using command
and try to load it manually with command:
insmod i2c-ch341-usb.ko
To uninstall the module simply use command
make uninstall
in the source directory.
Since the CH341A also provides an SPI interface as USB device with same id, you have to unload the driver module with
rmmod i2c-ch341-usb
before you can load the driver module for the SPI interface.
By default, the driver uses an I2C bus speed of 100 kbps, configures the GPIOs as follows, and polls the inputs every 10 ms. Outputs are always written directly when they change.
Pin | Name | GPIO name | GPIO function | Direction changable | IRQ |
15 | D0 | gpio0 | Output | yes | software |
16 | D1 | gpio1 | Output | yes | software |
17 | D2 | gpio2 | Output | yes | software |
18 | D3 | gpio3 | Output | yes | software |
19 | D4 | gpio4 | Input | yes | hardware |
20 | D5 | gpio5 | Input | yes | software |
21 | D6 | gpio6 | Input | no | software |
22 | D7 | gpio7 | Input | no | software |
To change the GPIO configuration, simply change the variable ch341_board_config
before compilation that should be self-explaining. It contains an entry for each configurable pin. Each entry consists of the pin number, the GPIO mode used for the pin, the name used for the GPIO in the Linux host and a flag whether the pin is connected with the CH341A hardware interrupt pin INT. Default configuration is:
struct ch341_pin_config ch341_board_config[CH341_GPIO_NUM_PINS] =
// pin GPIO mode GPIO name hwirq
{ 15, CH341_PIN_MODE_OUT , "gpio0" , 0 }, // used as output
{ 16, CH341_PIN_MODE_OUT , "gpio1" , 0 }, // used as output
{ 17, CH341_PIN_MODE_OUT , "gpio2" , 0 }, // used as output
{ 18, CH341_PIN_MODE_OUT , "gpio3" , 0 }, // used as output
{ 19, CH341_PIN_MODE_IN , "gpio4" , 1 }, // used as input with hardware IRQ
{ 20, CH341_PIN_MODE_IN , "gpio5" , 0 }, // used as input
{ 21, CH341_PIN_MODE_IN , "gpio6" , 0 }, // used as input
{ 22, CH341_PIN_MODE_IN , "gpio7" , 0 } // used as input
In this configuration, pins 15 to 18 are used as outputs while pins 19 to 22 are used as inputs. Additionally, pin 19 is connected with the CH341A hardware interrupt pin INT that produces hardware interrupts on rising edge of the signal connected to pin 19.
Please note:
- Pin 21 and pin 22 can only be configured as input. Their direction can't be changed during runtime.
- Hardware interrupts can only be generated for rising edges of signals.
- Only one of the input pins can be configured to generate hardware interrupts (
set to 1). - The signal at the input pin that is configured to generate hardware interrupts (
set to 1) MUST also be connected to the CH341A INT pin 7. - If there is no input that should generate hardware interrupts, set
to 0 for all entries.
If you want to use 6 GPIOs in output mode, you have to configure it with:
struct ch341_pin_config ch341_board_config[CH341_GPIO_NUM_PINS] =
// pin GPIO mode GPIO name hwirq
{ 15, CH341_PIN_MODE_OUT , "gpio0" , 0 }, // used as output
{ 16, CH341_PIN_MODE_OUT , "gpio1" , 0 }, // used as output
{ 17, CH341_PIN_MODE_OUT , "gpio2" , 0 }, // used as output
{ 18, CH341_PIN_MODE_OUT , "gpio3" , 0 }, // used as output
{ 19, CH341_PIN_MODE_OUT , "gpio4" , 0 }, // used as output
{ 20, CH341_PIN_MODE_OUT , "gpio5" , 0 }, // used as ouput
{ 21, CH341_PIN_MODE_IN , "gpio6" , 0 }, // used as input
{ 22, CH341_PIN_MODE_IN , "gpio7" , 0 } // used as input
GPIO inputs are polled periodically by a kernel thread. GPIO polling rate defines the rate at which the kernel thread polls the GPIO inputs and determines whether to generate software interrupts. That is, it defines the maximum rate at which changes at GPIO inputs can be recognized at all and software interrupts can be generated.
The GPIO polling rate is defined by its period in milliseconds using the constant CH341_POLL_PERIOD_MS
. The period must be at least 10 ms, but should be 20 ms or more, if possible, depending on the performance of your system. Please check your syslog
for messages like "GPIO poll period is too short by at least %n msecs"
. This message is thrown if the defined CH341_POLL_PERIOD_MS
is shorter than the time required for one reading of the GPIOs.
The higher GPIO polling rate is, the higher is the system usage by the kernel thread. On the other hand, the probability that short interrupt events will be lost grows, the lower the GPIO polling rate becomes.
GPIO polling rate can also be changed using the module parameter poll_rate
either when loading the module, e.g.,
sudo modprobe i2c_ch341_usb poll_rate=50 enable_gpio=1
or as real root
during runtime using the sysfs
, e.g.,
echo 50 > /sys/module/i2c_ch341_usb/parameters/poll_period
Please note: Since the CH341A hardware interrupt signal INT uses a separate USB endpoint, the maximum rate of hardware interrupts is independent on the GPIO polling rate and can reach up to 400 Hz.
The I2C bus speed can be configured using the module parameter speed
. The following I2C bus speeds are supported.
Parameter value | I2C bus speed |
0 | 20 kbps |
1 | 100 kbps |
2 | 400 kbps |
3 | 750 kbps |
By default the driver uses an I2C bus speed of 100 kbps (speed=0). It can be changed using the module parameter speed
either when loading the module, e.g.,
sudo modprobe i2c-ch341-usb speed=2
or as real root
during runtime using sysf, e.g.,
echo 2 > /sys/module/i2c_ch341_usb/parameters/speed
Once the driver is loaded successfully, it provides a new I2C bus as device, e.g.,
according to the naming scheme /dev/i2c-<bus>
where <bus>
is the bus number selected automatically by the driver. Standard I/O functions such as open
, read
, write
, ioctl
and close
can then be used to communicate with slaves which are connected to this I2C bus.
To open the I2C bus device for data transfer simply use function open
, e.g.,
int i2c_bus = open ("/dev/i2c-2", O_RDWR));
Once the device is opened successfully, you can communicate with the slaves connected to the I2C bus.
Function close
can be used to close the device anytime.
Before data are transfered using function ioctl
, a data structure of type struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data
has to be created. This can either contain only a single I2C message of type struct i2c_msg
or an array of I2C messages of type struct i2c_msg
, all of which are transfered together as a combined transaction. In the latter case, the multiple messages will be assembled to have the correct combined start and stop transactions. Multiple reads will each begin with a start or restart condition and end with a stop condition. This allows for a Write->Read transition to combine properly for writing the register or address to the device, followed by a restart, needed to change the R/W bit for reading the data, followed by a stop to end the transaction after reading the data bytes. Consecutive writes, however, will combine as a single write transaction with one start at the beginning and a single stop at the end. This allows for having split source input buffers, such as one input buffer with the device register/address value and a second buffer with the data to write without needing to combine them. There is no specific limit to the number of data bytes for each message or transaction apart from the limitations of the target device and the data type for the message length variable.
Each I2C message consists of
- a slave address,
- some flags combined into a single value, e.g., read/write flag,
- a pointer to the buffer for data bytes written to or read from the slave, and
- the length of data in bytes written to or read from the slave.
The following example shows an array of messages with two command messages written to the slave and two data messages to read the results from the slave.
#define I2C_SLAVE_ADDR 0x18
uint8_t i2c_id_cmd [] = { 0x0f }; // get ID command
uint8_t i2c_rd_cmd [] = { 0xa8 }; // read data command
uint8_t i2c_id_data [1]; // ID is one byte
uint8_t i2c_rd_data [6]; // data are 6 bytes
struct i2c_msg i2c_messages[] =
.addr = I2C_SLAVE_ADDR,
.flags = 0,
.buf = i2c_id_cmd,
.len = sizeof(i2c_id_cmd)
.addr = I2C_SLAVE_ADDR,
.flags = I2C_M_RD,
.buf = i2c_id_data,
.len = sizeof(i2c_id_data)
.addr = I2C_SLAVE_ADDR,
.flags = 0,
.buf = i2c_rd_cmd,
.len = sizeof(i2c_rd_cmd)
.addr = I2C_SLAVE_ADDR,
.flags = I2C_M_RD,
.buf = i2c_rd_data,
.len = sizeof(i2c_rd_data)
These messages can then be transfered to the slave by filling a data structure of type struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data
with them and calling function ioctl
, e.g.,
struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data ioctl_data =
.msgs = i2c_messages,
.nmsgs = 4
if (ioctl(i2c_bus, I2C_RDWR, &ioctl_data) < 0)
return -1;
Functions read
and write
can also be used for data transfer. However, since these functions do not allow to specify the slave address, it has to be set before using function ioctl
if (ioctl(i2c_bus, I2C_SLAVE_FORCE, I2C_SLAVE_ADDR) < 0)
perror("Could not set i2c slave addr");
return -1;
This slave address is then used for all subsequent read
and write
function calls until it is changed again with function ioctl
Supposing the data are preparated as in the example with ioctl
, the transfer of them is quite simple.
if (write(i2c_bus, i2c_id_cmd, sizeof(i2c_id_cmd)) != sizeof(i2c_id_cmd))
perror("Could not write id command to i2c slave");
return -1;
if (read (i2c_bus, i2c_id_data, sizeof(i2c_id_data)) != sizeof(i2c_id_data))
perror("Could not write read id from i2c slave");
return -1;
if (write(i2c_bus, i2c_rd_cmd, sizeof(i2c_rd_cmd)) != sizeof(i2c_rd_cmd))
perror("Could not write read data command to i2c slave");
return -1;
if (read (i2c_bus, i2c_rd_data, sizeof(i2c_rd_data)) != sizeof(i2c_rd_data))
perror("Could not write read data from i2c slave");
return -1;
To access GPIOs from user space, sysfs
can be used . For each configured GPIO, a directory
is created by the system, where <gpio>
is the name of the GPIO as defined in the driver variable ch341_board_config
. These directories contain
- the file
that can be used to read from and write to GPIOs, - the file
that can be used to control whether and what type of interrupt is enabled, and - the file
that can be used to change the direction of the GPIO if possible.
Please note: For read and write operations from and/or to these files, the user requires read and/or write permissions, respectively.
Before a GPIO can be used, file value
has to be opened
int fd;
if ((fd = open("/sys/class/gpio/<gpio>/value", O_RDWR)) == -1)
return -1;
where <gpio>
is again the name of the GPIO.
Once the file value
is opened, you can use standard I/O functions to read and write. To write a GPIO value, simply use function write
as following. The value is written to the GPIO out immediately.
if (write(fd, value ? "1" : "0", 1) == -1)
perror ("write");
return -1;
To read values from GPIOs immediately, you can simply use function read
as following:
char buf;
if (read(fd, &buf, 1) == -1)
return -1;
value = (buf == '0') ? 0 : 1;
After each read operation, file position has to be rewound to first character before the next value can be read.
if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
return -1;
Function poll
can be used before function read
to react and read values from the GPIO only on interrupts.
struct pollfd fds[1];
fds[0].fd = fd;
fds[0].events = POLLPRI;
if (poll(fds, 1, -1) == -1)
return -1;
Function poll
blocks until the specified event on the file descriptor happened.
Please note: The interrupt has to be activated before as root
with command
echo <type> > /sys/class/gpio/<gpio>/edge
where <gpio>
is again the name of the GPIO and <type>
is the type of the interrupt that should be used. Possible interrupt types are
for interrupts on rising signal edges,falling
for interrupts on falling signal edges, andboth
for interrupts on rising as well as falling signal edges.
For example, following command would activate interrupts for rising edges of the signal connected to gpio4
. The command has to be executed as real root
, using sudo
command doesn't work.
echo rising > /sys/class/gpio/gpio4/edge
Even though the driver defines software interrupts for GPIO inputs as well as GPIO outputs, they can be activated only for GPIO inputs.
Full examples for GPIO output and interrupt input can be found in the driver's directory.
To change the direction of a GPIO pin configured as input or output, simply write as real root
keyword in
or keyword out
to the file direction
, e.g.
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio4/direction