As of April 2019, this repo goes into maintenance mode, no things will be added.
Substituted by i3_config_ansible.
That repository contains scripts and files that I use to set up new Arch Linux installs.
It contains:
- i3 config files (base and resolution specific)
- 'dotfiles' for:
- tmux
- vim
- ranger
- qutebrowser
- URxvt (.Xresources)
- dunst
- rofi
- 2 lockscreen wallpapers
- 1 desktop wallpaper
- configs
1280x800 -> Configuration files to use when resolution equals 1280x800
1920x1080 -> Configuration files to use when resolutin equals 1920x1080
base -> Configuration files that are base on which resolution-specific configs can build. Also contains config\_fallback which is merged when no resolution is matched
- scripts -> Contains all logic of repository
next\ -> Changes to next active i3 workspace when called.
- -> Used to manage installation, install programs, configure mime, link dotfiles etc.
- -> Merging i3 configurations, locking screen etc.
hibernate -> turns off qutebrowser and hibernates computer, to be run from commandline
- setup
dotfiles -> Configuration files for programs mentioned above
shell'_files -> Files that will be sourced to shell
apps_list -> Lists of applications to be installed.
You should clone that repo, open scripts folder and run script (it should be run as normal user, sudo takes care of raising privileges). It should take care of everything.
The best bet at this moment is to keep cloned repo folder, named i3_config in your home directory (I am working on removing hardcoded paths, but it will take some time.).
After it finished you should add absolute path to to your .xinitrc and call it to run i3.
It should look similar to this:
/home/d0ku/i3_config/scripts/ run --start-i3
That't the most basic way to go.
Of course you will have to decide what apps you want to install, press some Y's on pacman run etc. but most of the job should be done by the program itself. If you want to change defaults you should mess up with configuration files in /setup and /configs
The easiest option to not mess up with paths is to add absolute path to to your .xinitrc file, add scripts folder to PATH variable and whenever you want to run the app just call from terminal.
After successfull installation, remember to pair KDE Connect device, or disable daemon.
This repo had a big change 9/15/2018. If your repo master branch is older than that, easiest option to adapt is to remove your old stuff and work on new version directly.
- wallpaper_0.png, lock_0.png - Damian Lickindorf
- lock_1.png - Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
- Tmux config is very much based on work of @gpakosz. I recommend visiting repo with his config for tmux .