This repository contains all my dotfiles managed by chezmoi. Please note that this is my own personal dotfiles. Stuffs may change without further notice and this README can get outdated.
I use fisher as my plugin manager. These are the plugins I'm using:
To update fish plugins, type in fisher update
in terminal.
To install or remove fish plugins, you can run fisher
I use packer.nvim as my plugin manager. These are the plugins I'm using:
- ansible-vim
- better-escape.nvim
- chezmoi.vim
- colorizer.lua
- Comment.nvim
- FTerm.nvim
- fzf-lua
- Indent Blankline
- lspconfig
- lualine.nvim
- LuaSnip
- nvim-autopairs
- tokyonight.nvim
- nvim-cmp
- null-ls.nvim
- mason.nvim
- mason-tool-installer.nvim
- lir.nvim
- nvim-treesitter
- nvim-ts-autotag
- nvim-surround
- trouble
- presence.nvim
- gitsigns.nvim
- b64.nvim
To update Neovim plugins, do :PackerSync
in your nvim.
Note: You need Neovim version >=0.7.0
You need to have these packages installed in your system if you want to set up:
For Sway:
rofi (optional)
nwg-dock (optional)
For i3
picom (optional)
rofi (optional)
xfce4-panel (optional)
For Fish:
For Neovim:
Starship and Lualine requires powerline fonts to work. I suggest Nerd-fonts. The font in the screenshot above is using UbuntuMono Nerd Font Regular. I also need Unifont installed in the system for some glyphs to work. Chezmoi will do this automatically for you.
Git clone this repository into your host machine:
git clone
Then do chezmoi init --apply budimanjojo
I use Super
and Alt
key for Sway/i3.
keys are mapped to left
, down
, up
, right
arrow keys.
means Super key, [0-9] means number key 0 to 9.
Keypress | Description |
S+t |
Open terminal app |
S+w |
Open browser |
S+f |
Open file manager |
S+g |
Open GIMP |
S+b |
Open OBS |
S+s |
Open Steam |
S+grave |
Open rofi apps menu |
S+Tab |
Open rofi opened apps menu |
Alt+F4 |
Close window |
S+F4 |
Close window |
Alt+k |
Change focus to window above |
Alt+j |
Change focus to window below |
Alt+h |
Change focus to left side window |
Alt+l |
Change focus to right side window |
Alt+Shift+k |
Move focused window up |
Alt+Shift+j |
Move focused window down |
Alt+Shift+h |
Move focused window left |
Alt+Shift+l |
Move focused window right |
Alt+Ctrl+h |
Split opened windows horizontally |
Alt+Ctrl+v |
Split opened windows vertically |
Alt+Ctrl+q |
Toggle opened windows split |
S+Tab |
Go to next workspace |
S+Shift+Tab |
Go to previous workspace |
Alt+Ctrl+t |
Toggle window border on/off |
Alt+Ctrl+g |
Toggle gaps on/off |
Alt+Ctrl+f |
Toggle fullscreen mode on/off |
Alt+Ctrl+s |
Change container layout to stacking |
Alt+Ctrl+w |
Change container layout to tabbed |
Alt+Ctrl+e |
Toggle split layout to horizontal/vertical |
S+Shift+Space |
Toggle window floating on/off |
S+Space |
Swap focus between tiling/floating window |
S+Shift+- |
Move current focused window to scratchpad |
S+- |
Show/hide scratchpad window |
S+[0-9] |
Go to workspace #[0-9] |
S+Shift+[0-9] |
Move focused window to workspace #[0-9] |
Alt+Shift+r |
Go to resize container mode |
Alt+Shift+g |
Go to resize gaps mode |
Alt+Ctrl+Del |
Go to logout mode |
Printscreen |
Go to screenshot mode |
S+Shift+c |
Reload Sway configuration |
S+Shift+e |
Exit Sway |
The prefix key is Space
You can override this using your custom .vimrc.local
means you need to press prefix key first.
If they are not in the table, that means it's using the default Vim keybindings.
Mode | Keypress | Description |
Normal | <Leader>w |
Save file |
Normal | <Leader>x |
Save file and quit |
Normal | <Leader>qq |
Quit |
Normal | <Leader>qa |
Force quit without saving |
Normal | <Leader>wq |
Save file and quit |
Normal | Y |
Yank from cursor to end of file |
Insert | ii |
Exit Insert mode |
Normal | K |
Move Up one paragraph |
Normal | J |
Move Down one paragraph |
Normal | H |
Move to the first character in line |
Normal | L |
Move to the last character in line |
Normal | Control+k |
Move to the split window above |
Normal | Control+j |
Move to the split window below |
Normal | Control+h |
Move to the left split window |
Normal | Control+l |
Move to the right split window |
Normal | <Leader>s |
Open new horizontal split window |
Normal | <Leader>v |
Open new vertical split window |
Insert | Control+k |
Move cursor Up |
Insert | Control+j |
Move cursor Down |
Insert | Control+h |
Move cursor Left |
Insert | Control+l |
Move cursor Right |
Normal | <Leader>tn |
Open new tab |
Normal | <Leader>td |
Close tab |
Normal | <Leader>th |
Go to previous tab |
Normal | <Leader>tl |
Go to next tab |
Normal | <Leader>te |
Open new tab with current buffer's path |
Normal | <Leader>hh |
Jump back to older cursor position |
Normal | <Leader>ll |
Jump forward to newer cursor position |
Normal/Visual | Tab |
Indent current line or selection |
Normal/Visual | Shift+Tab |
De-indent current line or selection |
Normal | <Leader>lr |
Restart LSP client |
Normal | <Leader>fz |
Open FzfLua |
Normal | <Leader>ff |
Open FzfLua to find files |
Normal | <Leader>fg |
Open FzfLua to live grep |
Normal | <Leader>fc |
Open FzfLua to see git commits |
Normal | <Leader>fb |
Open FzfLua to see opened buffers |
Normal | <Leader>fh |
Open FzfLua to find help |
Normal | <Leader>fk |
Open FzfLua to see keymappings |
Normal | <Leader>fe |
Open FzfLua to find lsp diagnostics |
Normal | <Leader>fr |
Open FzfLua to find lsp references |
Normal | <Leader>fd |
Open FzfLua to find lsp typedefs |
Normal | <Leader>xx |
Toggle Trouble |
Normal | <Leader>xr |
Toggle Trouble to find lsp references |
Normal | Control+f |
Toggle lir.nvim file manager |
Normal/Term | Control+t |
Toggle floating terminal |
Normal | <Leader>pp |
Format buffer with null-ls |
Visual | <Leader>pp |
Range format buffer with null-ls |
Normal | rn |
Do LSP buffer rename |
Normal | gd |
Do LSP buffer get definition |
Normal | gD |
Do LSP buffer get declaration |
Normal | gh |
Do LSP buffer get hover |
Normal | gr |
Do LSP buffer get references |
Normal | gi |
Do LSP buffer get implementation |
I override the default keybindings for Tmux to be more reasonable.
Prefix key is Alt+a
for local session and Alt+z
for nested session.
You can of course override this.
means you need to press prefix key first, <repeat>
means you don't need to press prefix key again after triggering it within repeat-time
set (default set to 1 second), <copy-mode>
means you must be in copy-mode first.
The table below lists all the keybindings set.
If they are not in the table, that means it's using the default Tmux keybindings.
Keypress | Description |
<prefix>Alt+e |
Edit tmux.conf.local file and reload configuration after saving |
<prefix>Alt+r |
Reload tmux configuration |
<prefix>f |
Find session, window, pane from list |
<prefix>Alt+s |
Create new horizontal split window |
<prefix>Alt+v |
Create new vertical split window |
<prefix>r |
Rename current window |
<prefix>R |
Rename current session |
<prefix><repeat>k |
Move selection to pane above |
<prefix><repeat>j |
Move selection to pane below |
<prefix><repeat>h |
Move selection to left pane |
<prefix><repeat>l |
Move selection to right pane |
<prefix><repeat>> |
Swap to next pane |
<prefix><repeat>< |
Swap to previous pane |
<prefix><repeat>K |
Resize current pane upwards |
<prefix><repeat>J |
Resize current pane downwards |
<prefix><repeat>H |
Resize current pane to the left |
<prefix><repeat>L |
Resize current pane to the right |
<prefix><repeat>Alt+n |
Move selection to next window |
<prefix><repeat>Alt+p |
Move selection to previous window |
<prefix><repeat>Tab |
Move selection to next window |
<prefix>S |
Join current pane to selected window in horizontal split |
<prefix>V |
Join current pane to selected window in vertical split |
<prefix>x |
Close current pane |
<prefix>X |
Close current window |
<prefix>Alt+x |
Close all other windows |
<prefix>a |
Get into copy mode |
<prefix>p |
Paste copied text from last buffer |
<prefix>P |
Paste copied text from list |
<copy-mode>y |
Copy selected text |
<copy-mode>Y |
Copy the whole line of selected text |
<copy-mode>D |
Copy till the end of line from selected text |
I'm migrating my tmux to Zellij.
I mimicked my tmux configuration to work in zellij but not everything works the same.
Prefix key is Alt+a
, I use the "switch to normal mode" in zellij to achieve this.
means you need to be in normal mode, <pane>
means pane mode, and so on.
The table below lists all the keybindings set.
Keypress | Description |
<locked>Alt+a |
Swith to normal mode (act like prefix key in tmux) |
<normal>Alt+s |
Create new horizontal split window and back to locked mode |
<normal>Alt+v |
Create new vertical split window and back to locked mode |
<normal>r |
Switch to renametab mode |
<normal>h |
Move selection to left pane |
<normal>j |
Move selection to pane below |
<normal>k |
Move selection to pane above |
<normal>l |
Move selection to right pane |
<normal>> |
Move pane around |
<normal>H |
Resize current pane upwards |
<normal>J |
Resize current pane downwards |
<normal>H |
Resize current pane to the left |
<normal>L |
Resize current pane to the right |
<normal>Alt+n |
Go to next window |
<normal>Alt+p |
Go to previous window |
<normal>c |
Open new tab and back to locked mode |
<normal>x |
Close current pane and back to locked mode |
<normal>a |
Open pane with $EDITOR and back to locked mode |
<normal>Esc/' '/"\n" |
Switch back to locked mode |
<renametab>Alt+a |
Switch to normal mode |
<renametab>"\n" |
Switch to locked mode |
<renametab>Esc |
Confirm tab name and back to locked mode |