Load Tiled maps in playdate ( https://www.mapeditor.org/ )
copy the following sources to your project:
- source/ChickenTMJLoader.lua
- source/ChickenTMWorldLoader.lua
- source/helperfunctions.lua
- source/Models/*.lua (optional, for autocomplete)
import 'ChickenTMJLoader'
local tmjloader = ChickenTMJLoader.new()
and then use the methods available in the tmjloader object itself, down in the documentation
in main.lua, you can check an example of loading a TMJ file
Run the project by opening it in vscode in windows and running Build and Run (Simulator).ps1
The library now supports world loading
local tmxWorldLoader = ChickenTMWorldLoader.new()
local tmjloader = tmxWorldLoader.maps['example']
The world contains a table of tsj map name to ChickenTMJLoader called maps
To release most resources, let the variables run out of scope, and make sure not to keep any reference.
To release resources completely, you need to call ChickenTMJLoader.releaseCachedImageTables()
to release cached image tables. They are kept cached so they dont load multiple copies over and over again for multiple files that point to the same image tilesets
- Can only load TMJ files (Tiled map JSON format), no TMX
- Only supports a single TSJ tileset per TMJ. Either embedded in the TMJ itself or as a separate, referenced TSJ. Multiple TMJ files can reference the same TSJ tileset, no problem.
- Only supports orthogonal maps
- The name of the images referenced in the TMJ/TSJ files need to follow playdate's pattern, aka. image-table-width-height.png
The project supports playdate type annotations: https://github.com/Minalien/playdate-type-annotations
---@class ChickenTMJLoader
---@field root TMJRoot
---@field tileset TSJTileset
---@field finalImagePath string
---@field tileMapsByLayer table<string, playdate.graphics.tilemap>
---@field loadTMJ fun(self: ChickenTMJLoader, path: string)
---@field getTileMapForLayer fun(self: ChickenTMJLoader, layerName: string): playdate.graphics.tilemap
---@field getObjectsForLayer fun(self: ChickenTMJLoader, layerName: string): TMJObject[]
---@field getLayerByName fun(self: ChickenTMJLoader, layerName: string): TMJLayer
---@field getPropsObj fun(self: ChickenTMJLoader, obj: TMJObject): table<string, string|integer|number|boolean>
---@field getPropsTileOfGid fun(self: ChickenTMJLoader, gid: integer): table<string, string|integer|number|boolean>
---@field getPropsOfTile fun(self: ChickenTMJLoader, tile: TSJTile): table<string, string|integer|number|boolean>
---@field getGidAtLayerPos fun(self: ChickenTMJLoader, x: integer, y: integer, layer: TMJLayer): integer
---@field releaseTilemaps fun(self: ChickenTMJLoader)
---@field getTileImageByGid fun(self: ChickenTMJLoader, gid: integer): playdate.graphics.image?
---@class ChickenTMWorldLoader
---@field maps table<string, ChickenTMJLoader>
---@field mapdefs table<string, TMJMap>
---@field world TMWorld
---@field loadTMWorld fun(self: ChickenTMWorldLoader, path: string)