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Build, update and redeploy smartcontracts with one config.


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Hardhat plugin for declarative smart contract deployments and redeployments.


  • Declarative deployment configuration
  • Deployment runtime accessibility (see hooks and deployment-output)
  • If selected, deploys only modified contracts (code or constructor arguments)
  • Selective contract verification
  • Human-ridable deployment output


run npm install --save-dev @dgma/hardhat-sol-bundler

in addition, the next peer dependencies should be installed:

  • "ethers": "^6.11.1",
  • "hardhat": "^2.22.2"
  • "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers" // no need if you use @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox


  1. Create deployment config in hardhat.config for the specific network:
import { type HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers";
import { dynamicAddress } from "@dgma/hardhat-sol-bundler";
import { Logging } from "@dgma/hardhat-sol-bundler/plugins/Logging";

const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  networks: {
    hardhat: {
      deployment: {
        plugins: [Logging], // will log the deployment result
        config: {
          TestLibrary: {},
          TestContractOne: {
            contractName: "TestContract",
            args: ["hello one"],
            options: {
              libs: {
                TestLibrary: dynamicAddress("TestLibrary"),

export default config;

contractName property is optional and only needed if the configuration contract key is not the same as the contract name

note: the dependant contract must be located above

  1. Run task:
npx hardhat deploy-bundle
npx hardhat deploy-bundle --no-compile true


To keep deployment results and deploy only modified contracts, add the lockFile property to deployment:

config.deployment = {
  lockFile: "deployment-lock.json",
  config: {
    // contracts..

To deploy contracts as a proxy:

import { SupportedProxies } from "@dgma/hardhat-sol-bundler";

config.deployment = {
  lockFile: "deployment-lock.json",
  config: {
    TestContract: {
      proxy: {
        type: SupportedProxies.CUSTOM,


Simple deployment result logging:

import { Logging } from "@dgma/hardhat-sol-bundler/plugins/Logging";

config.deployment = {
  plugins: [Logging],
  config: {
    // contracts..

Verify deployed contracts:

// no need @nomicfoundation/hardhat-verify if you use @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-verify";
import { VerifyPlugin } from "@dgma/hardhat-sol-bundler/plugins/Verify";

config.deployment = {
  plugins: [VerifyPlugin],
  // set a config level verification
  verify: true,
  config: {
    TestContract: {
      // set a contract level verification. Overrides global verification
      verify: true,

note verify plugin uses @nomicfoundation/hardhat-verify. Please make sure you have configured using config according to official plugin guidance.


The library can be easily extended with custom plugins by adding them to deployment.plugins list. A simple example of the plugins can be found in plugins/*.

During deployment, sol-bundler can execute additional logic implemented as lifecycle hooks:

BEFORE_CONTEXT_INITIALIZATION - fires once, before deployment runtime context creation;
BEFORE_DEPLOYMENT - fires once, after deployment runtime context creation and before deployment logic initiation;

BEFORE_DEPENDENCY_RESOLUTION - fires for each contract in the config, before resolving dynamically contract dependencies (arguments and libraries);

BEFORE_CONTRACT_BUILD - fires for each contract in the config, before creating contract factory;
AFTER_CONTRACT_BUILD - fires for each contract in the config, after creating contract factory;

BEFORE_CONTRACT_DEPLOY - fires for each contract in the config, before contract deployment;
AFTER_CONTRACT_DEPLOY - fires for each contract in the config, after contract deployment;

AFTER_CONTEXT_SERIALIZATION: "AFTER_CONTEXT_SERIALIZATION" - fires for each contract in the config, after deployment runtime context serialization (preparation for storing output into lock file);

AFTER_DEPLOYMENT - fires once, after all contracts deployment;

Deployment output

Deployment script can be easily attached to the other tasks or libraries:

import hre from "hardhat";
import { solBundler } from "@dgma/hardhat-sol-bundler";

const { ctx, deployedContracts } = await solBundler(hre);

// add custom logic
if (deployedContracts.includes("MyContract")) {
  console.log("do something");


Contributions are always welcome! Open a PR or an issue!