π Learning and exploring markdownlint
In my many "playground" repositories I follow a specific style in the README markdown files. I want to create some custom
linter rules to make it easier to spot inconsistencies in my markdown files. For example, I don't have a consistent indentation
in my lists. Even the act of deciding "how many leading spaces should there be before the *
character?" is a waste of
time. I don't want to have to decide arbitrary things over and over. So if I make a custom linter rule, then this decision
will be decided once and for all. I'll lint the file and do what the linter tells me to do.
This repo breaks down into sub-projects:
Custom lint rules for 'markdownlint'.
See the README in lint-rules/.
A 'runner' program to run markdownlint with custom lint rules against my project.
See the README in runner/.