$ cd ~/scheme # Where '~/scheme' is the path to your Scheme libraries
$ git clone git://github.com/dharmatech/surfage.git
Constant: pi
(square <number>)
Curried versions of various procedures:
(add <number>)
(multiply-by <number>)
(subtract-from <number>)
(subtract <number>)
(divide <number>)
(divide-by <number>)
(greater-than <number>)
(greater-than= <number>)
(less-than <number>)
(less-than= <number>)
Macro: (curry (proc param ...))
Create a curried version of 'vector-set!':
> (define put (curry (vector-set! a b c)))
> (define v0 '#(a b c d e))
> (((put v0) 0) 'x)
> v0
#(x b c d e)
Macro: define-record-type++
(define-record-type++ point (fields x y)) (define p (make-point 10 20)) (is-point p) (list p.x p.y) ;; ---> (10 20) (define (distance-from-origin p) (import-point p) (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y))))
The standard time
macro is provided by many implementations, but
exported from different libraries. This is a common interface to it.
(time <expression>)
(gen-id <identifier> <string-or-syntax> ...)
As seen in The Scheme Programming Lanaugage.
Purely functional queue.
> (import (dharmalab misc is-list))
> (define numbers '(1 2 3 4 5))
> (is-list numbers)
> (numbers.ref 0)
> (numbers.length)
> (numbers.map (lambda (x) (* x x)))
(1 4 9 16 25)
Similar to is-list