Apocalypso is resilience test tool to test the behaviour of Docker Ecosystem
under various failure conditions (Network/hardware/termination etc)
Inspired by the following projects (code attributions provided at necessary place :P)
$ python setup.py sdist
$ easy_install dist/apocalypse-<version>.tar.gz
$ pip install git+https://github.com/dhoomakethu/apocalypso.git@master
For Colored logs install coloredlogs
$ pip install git+https://github.com/dhoomakethu/python-coloredlogs.git@master
To use with docker eco system as a container wiki
$ doom --help
_____ .__ ._._.
/ _ \ ______ ____ ____ _____ | | ___.________ ______ ____ | | |
/ /_\ \\____ \ / _ \_/ ___\\__ \ | |< | \____ \/ ____/ __ \ | | |
/ | | |_> ( <_> \ \___ / __ \| |_\___ | |_> \___ \\ ___/ \|\|
\____|__ | __/ \____/ \___ (____ |____/ ____| __/____ >\___ > ____
\/|__| \/ \/ \/ |__| \/ \/ \/\/
Chaos Generator for Docker Ecosystems!!
version: 1.0.0
usage: doom {chaos|events|server} <optional params>
positional arguments:
help for subcommand chaos
chaos Start Chaos generator
events Chaos events
server Chaos web server
optional arguments:
-n NETWORK, --network NETWORK
docker network (default: None)
--log-level {info,debug,error,critical}
log level (default: None)
--no-console-log disable console log (default: False)
--file-log FILE_LOG path for log file (default: None)
--background-run Runs chaos in background (default: False)
Keeps Chaos generator till the error threshold is
reached (should be > 0),value < 0 is reset to 1
(default: None)
--config CONFIG Configuration file (default: None)
--version show program's version number and exit
There are three subparsers defined chaos and actions.
$ doom chaos --help
usage: doom chaos <optional params>
optional arguments:
--start Start Chaos Generator (default: False)
--stop Stop Chaos Generator (default: False)
--status status of chaos generator (default: False)
-e EVENTS [EVENTS ...], --events EVENTS [EVENTS ...]
Chaos events to execute (default: [])
-t TRIGGER, --trigger TRIGGER
Trigger chaos for every given time (in
Sec/Minute/Hour) (default: None)
--max-workers MAX_WORKERS
Max worker threads to spawn (default: None)
enables network chaos (default: False)
--run-network-chaos Runs only network chaos (default: False)
--run-resource-chaos Runs only resource chaos (burn cpu/ram/kill process
etc) (default: False)
--run-generic-chaos Runs only generic chaos (stop/reboot/terminate
containers (default: False)
--version show program's version number and exit
$ doom events --help
usage: doom events <optional params>
optional arguments:
--list-events List available chaos events supported (default: False)
--all display all defined chaos events (default: False)
--version show program's version number and exit
$ doom server --help
usage: doom server <optional params>
optional arguments:
--host HOST HOST IP to run the chaos web server on (default: localhost)
--port PORT PORT to run the chaos web server on (default: 5555)
--version show program's version number and exit
NOTE: All below examples assumes the docker eco system under test is up and running and has a valid docker network associated with
##To Start Chaos Webserver ##
$ doom server --port <PORT to START>
If no arguments are passed , by default the server will start on localhost:5555 with default docker network as apocalypso_default ##To Start Chaos on network abc##
$ doom chaos --start --network abc --events stop kill burncpu
===================================== info =====================================
Starting Chaos on abc with actions
====================================== = =======================================
{'burncpu': {u'cpu_core': 0,
u'cpuload': 0.5,
u'duration': 10,
u'instance': []},
'kill': {u'instance': [], u'process': None, u'signal': 9},
'stop': {u'instance': []}}
====================================== = =======================================
Chaos would be triggered every 10 sec
Error Threshold set to 10
use 'kill 71227' to stop chaos
2016-02-24 21:52:13,480 - INFO - generator - Staring Chaos!!!!
##To Start Chaos on docker ecosystem from a config file## This will override all command line options, a sample config file is available at resource chaos
$ doom chaos --start --config <path to config>
##To Start Chaos on docker ecosystem and exit on error threshold##
$ doom -e 1 chaos --start --network minicloud_default --actions stop kill burncpu
##To Start Chaos on docker ecosystem as deamon process##
$ doom --background-run chaos start --network minicloud_default --actions stop kill burncpu
##To Stop Chaos running against docker ecosystem##
$ kill <pid>
##To Stop Chaos running as deamon on docker ecosystem##
$ doom chaos --stop --cloud minicloud
##To view all the supported chaos events##
$ doom events --list-events
- schedule and mail notifications