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wiki de pasquale edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 1 revision


You can modify, bypass and add a new functionality of your own. Sky is the limit here.


You can modify the domain to be hosted on your github, or your own web server. To do this you need to deploy the clone of this repository and set the domain variable to your own.


Create your own data format by implementing the MetadataAdapter and providing in the configuration.

Beware! The integration with Gecko Frontend (and by extension the link builders) will not work when using a proprietary format!


Compression is by default executed in a GZIP format. You can implement your own compression mechanisms by implementing Gecko. Please visit the builder to understand how to chain Gecko together.

Beware! The integration with Gecko Frontend (and by extension the link builders) will not work when using a proprietary compression method!


The encoding used for passing data to the frontend is Base64 by choice. You can however swap the encoding for something of your own.

Beware! The integration with Gecko Frontend (and by extension the link builders) will not work when using a proprietary compression method!

and more!

As mentioned before all you really need is the knowledge of chaining Gecko together and with it you can do almost anything. Browse the current code for ideas, suggest new integrations and steps in the issues!


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