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REBench cli in Action

Manzoor Ali edited this page May 9, 2022 · 4 revisions

REBench-Cli in action

To run the REBench from CLI, follow the following step-by-step guide:

  1. Download the REBench-Cli from here

  2. Extract the zip folder which contain REBench-cli.jar and a personalized query.

  3. User can make changes in the personalized query according to the system requirements. The default personalized query as follows:

PREFIX reld:<>
SELECT DISTINCT ?rId (AVG(?nToken) as ?avgToken) (count(?ne) as ?NE)
?rId reld:hasSentence ?sentence .
?sentence reld:hasSubject ?sub .
?sentence reld:hasObject ?obj .
?sentence reld:numOfTokens ?nToken .
?sentence reld:numOfPunctuations ?numPunc .
?sentence reld:hasNamedEntity ?ne .
  1. Run the following command in your terminal:
java -jar REBench.jar   -m feasible-exmp   -n 10  -e http://localhost:8890/sparql   -q personalized_query.txt   -o feasible-exmp-10qa-benchmark.ttl

[Note] User can change the size file names etc. in the above command. For example, in the above command, we are selecting 10 relations.

  1. After running the above command, you will see an output like the following:


  1. The system will produce two types of output, relation.txt file and feasible-exmp-10qa-benchmark.ttl file. 6.(a) The relation.txt file only contains the IRIs of the selected relations


We have provided a script which can extract the required data from the RELD dataset in clean Json format for the selected relations. 6.(b) The feasible-exmp-10qa-benchmark.ttl file contain all the output data including relations, sentences, and features in .ttl format, like see example.

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