Graphical user interface program for structure refinements to atomic pair distribution function.
For users who do not have the expertise or necessity for command line analysis, PDFgui is a convenient and easy to use graphical front end for the PDFfit2 refinement program. It is capable of full-profile fitting of the atomic pair distribution function (PDF) derived from x-ray or neutron diffraction data and comes with built in graphical and structure visualization capabilities.
PDFgui is a friendly interface to the PDFfit2 refinement engine, with many powerful extensions. To get started, please open the manual from the help menu and follow the tutorial instructions. A detailed description is available in this paper.
For more information about diffpy.pdfgui, please consult our online documentation.
If you use diffpy.pdfgui in a scientific publication, we would like you to cite this package as
C L Farrow, P Juhas, J W Liu, D Bryndin, E S Božin, J Bloch, Th Proffen and S J L Billinge, PDFfit2 and PDFgui: computer programs for studying nanostructure in crystals, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 335219. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/19/33/335219
The preferred method is to use Miniconda Python and install from the "conda-forge" channel of Conda packages.
To add "conda-forge" to the conda channels, run the following in a terminal.
conda config --add channels conda-forge
We want to install our packages in a suitable conda environment.
The following creates and activates a new environment named diffpy.pdfgui_env
conda create -n diffpy.pdfgui_env diffpy.pdfgui conda activate diffpy.pdfgui_env
To confirm that the installation was successful, type
python -c "import diffpy.pdfgui; print(diffpy.pdfgui.__version__)"
The output should print the latest version displayed on the badges above.
If the above does not work, you can use pip
to download and install the latest release from
Python Package Index.
To install using pip
into your diffpy.pdfgui_env
environment, type
pip install diffpy.pdfgui
If you prefer to install from sources, after installing the dependencies, obtain the source archive from
GitHub. Once installed, cd
into your diffpy.pdfgui
and run the following
pip install .
You may consult our online documentation for tutorials and API references.
Diffpy user group is the discussion forum for general questions and discussions about the use of diffpy.pdfgui. Please join the diffpy.pdfgui users community by joining the Google group. The diffpy.pdfgui project welcomes your expertise and enthusiasm!
If you see a bug or want to request a feature, please report it as an issue and/or submit a fix as a PR. You can also post it to the Diffpy user group.
Feel free to fork the project and contribute. To install diffpy.pdfgui in a development mode, with its sources being directly used by Python rather than copied to a package directory, use the following in the root directory
pip install -e .
To ensure code quality and to prevent accidental commits into the default branch, please set up the use of our pre-commit hooks.
- Install pre-commit in your working environment by running
conda install pre-commit
. - Initialize pre-commit (one time only)
pre-commit install
Thereafter your code will be linted by black and isort and checked against flake8 before you can commit. If it fails by black or isort, just rerun and it should pass (black and isort will modify the files so should pass after they are modified). If the flake8 test fails please see the error messages and fix them manually before trying to commit again.
Improvements and fixes are always appreciated.
Before contributing, please read our Code of Conduct.
For more information on diffpy.pdfgui please visit the project web-page or email Prof. Simon Billinge at