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Create Gulp Project

Create Gulp Project

Configure projects based on gulp-project boilerplate.
Store your settings and setup new projects quickly.

English | Русский

Release version TypeScript MIT License


npm i digikid/create-gulp-project --global --install-links


Navigate to directory where you want to create project and run the command:


Through the command line, you can set project folder name:

create-gulp-project my-project


Before creating a new project you are prompted to complete a survey with a full list of params. Most of these are optional and do not change from project to project (for example, your contact information).

You can save optional params, after which they will be applied to all created projects if the -f flag is passed:

create-gulp-project my-project -f


Option Description
-f, --force Skip filling optional params


Command Description
config Update optional params
help Display usage guide
restore Restore default params
version Print current package version

Update optional params

To save optional params, use config command and take the survey:

create-gulp-project config

For restore to default params, run restore command:

create-gulp-project restore


The help command displays a help section with a list of available options and commands list:

create-gulp-project help


You can check installed package version with version command:

create-gulp-project version


The MIT License (MIT)