Web Application Development with Python & Flask Framework. - Gaurav Choudhary.
Course Name: Intoduction to the Flask Microframework.
Course Author: Reindert-Jan Ekker
Users can Login/Logout, # for an account.
Once Logged in, Users can save their favourite HTML-Links/Urls as Bookmarks and
make collection of favourite places to visit on the Internet.
Users can add Tags to their bookmark entries.
User can view recent bookmark entries or all selectively by tags/username.
This course entails using pip and virtualenv and demonstrates.
- MTV(Model-Template-View) or MVC pattern
- Jinja2 Template Engine
- Flask Forms ans Custom Validation
- Users Authentication & Password Hashing
- Flask-Migrate and Flask-SQLAlchemy
- One-To-Many & Many-To-Many Relations
- Flask Debug Toolbar
- Flask-Blueprints
- Flask Application Factory
- Unit Testing
For more details: Click me to visit Live Website on Heroku
To run or test this demo app on your local machine:
(assuming you would know how to pip install flask packages from terminal)
git clone https://github.com/dimpu47/thermos.git
cd thermos
python manage.py runserver
Visit localhost:5000 in your browser. and find more details about topics covered in this project.
Note: This personal learning exercise was done to learn about Web Application Development, Using Flask Framework for Python.
Thank You.