This is the deployment guide for the Mentor Me API.
- Java 8
- Maven 3+
- MySQL 5.7.6+ that supports ST_Distance_Sphere
- SMTP Server. You may use FakeSMTP for development testing purpose
- Chrome with postman add-on (to verify api only)
- Create database schema with
. - Create tables in each schema with
. - If you want to drop all tables please run
on each schema. - If you want to clean all tables please run
on each schema. - To initialize the basic data required by the application you should execute the
on the mentorme-english schema andsqls/init-es.sql
on the mentorme-spanish schema. - If you want to prepare test data please run
into the mentorme-test schema.
Edit file src/main/resources/
- spring.datasource.url: MySQL server connection url
- spring.datasource.username: MySQL Server username
- spring.datasource.password: MySQL Server password
- SMTP Server host
- spring.mail.port: SMTP Server port
- server.port: the server port on which the API will run on
- menteeMentorProgram.defaultInstitutionalProgramId: you can change default institutional program id for mentee mentor program with this key (optional).
- uploadDirectory: the upload directory path, the folder must exist before starting the services or tests
- multipart.maxFileSize: the max file size, you can use the default value.
- multipart.maxRequestSize: the max request size, in most cases you can just use the default value.
You can keep the rest of the parameters unchanged.
Edit file src/main/resources/
- the log level to be used
Edit file src/main/resources/templates
- subject.vm: The email subject template
- body.vm: the email body template
Test configuration can be found and modified in src/test/resources/
. Please note that same keys defined in src/test/resources/
will overwrite configuration defined in src/main/resources/
- spring.datasource.url if you want to test with different database defined in
, you should update this url (and likely the username and password too) - spring.mail.port: you can change this to a different port but please make sure it doesn't conflict with ports already in use since the unit tests will start mock smtp server during test with this port.
- cleanupUploadDirectory: this should be set to false if you want to check uploaded files during tests.
Do NOT change since since unit tests will listen on localhost.
Please check all property keys in src/main/resources/
You can customize any of these keys using command line parameters or system variables if you want to.
For example: you can customize server port -Dserver.port=8087 as command line parameter or use set server.port=8087 under windows or export SERVER_PORT=8087 under linux. In the Topcoder development environment we�ve been running the Mentor Me English Services on port 8080 and the Mentor Me Spanish Services on port 8081.
This can be done for all other parameters too.
When you have all of these set, please check Externalized Configuration to see which takes priority.
For example if you define port in command line parameter and system variable at same time it will use command line parameter instead.
Please check message values in src/main/resources/locale/
and src/main/resources/locale/
(spanish) and
It contains description for creating/updating goal/task/menteeMentorGoal/menteeMentorTask.
Make sure your configurations are right and there are no special characters in file path for example whitespace.
mvn clean test
You can also test with coverage report in target/site/jacoco/index.html
after run below command.
mvn clean test jacoco:report
You can run below command to check code style using Checkstyle plugin
mvn clean checkstyle:checkstyle
You can run below mvn command to run application directly.
mvn clean spring-boot:run
You can also package and run(make sure related configurations is right for example upload directory exists before run).
mvn clean package
Move to target
Start api service listening 8080
java -jar mentorme-api.jar
Open and copy docs/swagger.yaml
to verify.
Prepare clean and test data in mysql with sqls/clear.sql
and sqls/testdata.sql
Import Postman collection docs/postman.json
with environment variables docs/postman-env.json
You can test basic auth with username=test{X} X could be 1-14, password=password, please use basic auth feature of Postman to verify.
Almost all requests will use JWT token auth defined in environment variable, but you can change to use basic auth easily.
Make sure you already have the API properly configured and running as stated above before doing the following.
- Register account in havenondemand and get key after login with api keys.
- Free users only have 15 units and single standard index will cost 10 units, single explorer index will cost 1 unit but cannot create numeric_fields(for Custom_Fields flavor only) and we could use single index with different type for mentor and mentee.
- You can edit havenondemand.apiKey in
to use your api key. - havenondemand.forceDeleteIndex: if set this to true in
, it will check exist index and recreate index, but it will not delete index with different name, so if you have created text index with different name you must delete this index. If you set it to false insrc/main/resources/
, it will load updated mentees/mentors in last 24 hours by default into the existing index.
- Follow the get api key page . to get an API key. Please check api limits.
- You can edit google.geocoding.apiKey in
Related code is in package/directory com.livingprogress.mentorme.remote
Please configure api key for google map and Haven On Demand API as stated above.
You can still verify remoteMatchingMentees and remoteMatchingMentors endpoints in postman, they shouldn't be affected by the remote service implementation.
You can also set configurations using system variables as stated in previous sections. For example HAVENONDEMAND_APIKEY for api key of havenondemand.
You can still prepare test data like before or you can use below steps to prepare new sample data:
- Prepare clean and test data in mysql by executing the following scripts in the specified order:
Seting havenondemand.forceDeleteIndex=true is recommended in order to test new index on each run. Otherwise you will only see results if there are updates to the users in the last 24 hours.
You can run below mvn command to run remote application directly:
mvn clean compile exec:exec
You can also package and run(make sure related configurations is right):
mvn clean package
Move to target
cd target
java -jar -Dloader.main=com.livingprogress.mentorme.remote.RemoteApplication mentorme-api.jar