Smart vagas is a parking platform resulting from a framework for small and medium-sized cities that want to adapt to the smart city concept.
The platform allows, among other things:
- Resources for the city to manage parking lots.
- Parked vehicle management by city guards
- Buying and managing credits for drivers
- Used parkings history
`Other functional requirements can be found in the requirements document [In Portuguese], available here
The platform is divided into 4 modules with their respective repositories.
- Index
- Smart Vagas Backend
- Smart Vagas Web Dashboard
- Smart Vagas Guardas (mobile)
- Smart Vagas Motoristas (mobile)
The projects listed above have the UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RECONCAVO DA BAHIA - UFRB as titleholder and the authors: JOÃO SOARES DE OLIVEIRA NETO and ANDERSON OLIVEIRA DOS SANTOS. The software is registered as per registration codes:
Process | Name |
BR512021002367-6 | Smart Vagas - (Módulo: Prefeitura) |
BR512021002366-8 | Smart Vagas - (Módulo: Motorista) |
BR512021002368-4 | Smart Vagas (Módulo: Fiscal) |