This is a fork of with some modernization. I merged in, also.
AVL trees are balanced binary search trees with the following worst time complexities for common operations:
- space: O(n)
- insert: O(lg(n))
- remove: O(lg(n))
- find: O(lg(n))
- in-order iteration: O(n)
These worst-case complexities are better than a hashtable, and binary search trees can offer better performance if the size of the data is not known in advance, as trees don't have to rehash all entries for a resize. Trees can also be useful in systems where operations must be guaranteed to complete quickly, an operation requiring a table resize could take too long.
AVL trees are more rigidly balanced than Red-Black trees, and are generally more performant in read heavy applications. That being said, there isn't a huge performance difference between the trees.
Algorithms adapted from Wikipedia; see
Red-Black trees are balanced binary search trees with the following worst-case time complexities for common operations:
- space: O(n)
- insert: O(lg(n))
- remove: O(lg(n))
- find: O(lg(n))
- in-order iteration: O(n)
Red-Black trees are very similar to AVL trees, except are less rigidly balanced.
Algorithms adapted from
Splay trees are binary search trees that don't apply balance operations on each insert/remove, and as such are unbalanced and don't provide a O(lg(n)) worst case insert/remove. Instead, splay trees rotate newly added and searched for data to the top of the tree so commonly accessed data and newly inserted items are very fast to find, as you don't have to go through a large part of the tree to find them. Splay tree double rotations are slightly different than normal double tree rotations, so data ascends the tree quickly, but descends much slower. This is good enough to offer amortized lg(n) time for insert, remove and find.
Algorithm's adapted from wikipedia, see
BBTrees, also known as Weight Balanced Trees, or Adams Trees, are a persistent data structure with a nice combination of properties:
- Generic (parameterized) key,value map
- Insert (
), lookup (get
), and delete (del
) in O(log(N)) time - Key-ordered iterators (
) - Lookup by relative position from beginning or end (
) in O(log(N)) time - Get the position (
) by key in O(log(N)) time - Efficient set operations using tree keys
- Map extensions to set operations with optional value merge control for duplicates
By "persistent" we mean that the BBTree always preserves the previous version of itself when it is modified. As such it is effectively immutable, as the operations do not (visibly) update the structure in-place, but instead always yield a new updated structure.
The BBTree data structure resides in heap memory, and is destroyed by the garbage collector when there are no longer any program references to it. When insertions or deletions to the tree are made, we attempt to reuse as much of the old structure as possible.
Because the BBTree is never mutated all library functions that operate on it
are Nim func
-- no side effects. A BBTree may be shared across threads safely
(though updates in one thread will not be visible in another until the modified
tree is shared once again).
Implementing Sets Efficiently in a Functional Language Stephen Adams CSTR 92-10 Department of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton Southampton S09 5NH
Adams’ Trees Revisited Correct and Efficient Implementation Milan Straka Department of Applied Mathematics Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Weight-balanced trees on Wikipedia
- RB, Splay, AVL MIT
- BBTree