All the features of Altered Beast, plus
Markdown syntax (using Maruku instead of RedCloth).
Full math support, using itex2MML. Serves MathML to capable browsers, and MathJax to others.
Syntax colouring for code blocks.
Built-in SVG editing (with embedded equations).
The popular rails-based Beast forum, rewritten from the ground up with the same database and views.
updated for Rails 3
full i18n (with German and English support)
using rspec/model_stubbing
added a state machine for user logins
built-in multi-site support
spam protection from akismet/viking
forum authorization rules (public/private/invitation)
email and atom feed support
xml/json API (not 100% tested yet, fixing soon)
highline based easy console installer
internationalization via the I18n framework
Check out the code via git:
git clone
$ git clone $ cd heterotic_beast $ ruby bundle $ ruby bundle exec rake app:bootstrap $ ruby bundle exec rake assets:precompile The last one is optional (it takes a while to execute) but will speed access to your files, if you are running under Passenger. Follow the instructions to create your database and load users. Configure how you want to deliver the # emails in config/initializers/mail.rb . Start the application with $ script/rails server -d -e production and visit http://localhost:3000 to visit your new forum.