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Meeting minutes 2017 02 02

Roger Sheen edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 2 revisions

DITA-OT Docs Call — February 02, 2017



  • Kris
  • Roger
  • Shane

OT project status updates

The DITA-OT contributor call was held immediately prior to the docs call. Meeting minutes are available at

New issues since last call

1 new issue was created since the last call.

The issue was resolved by adding a note to the parameter description:

Attention: The args.logdir parameter is obsolete and will be removed in an upcoming version of DITA-OT. To write the log to a file, use dita --logfile=file or ant -l file to set the path to the log. Unless an absolute path is specified, the value will be interpreted relative to the current directory.

Fixed issues since last call

A total of 4 issues were closed (no pull requests).

Project planning board review

The docs issue tracker at currently lists 16 open issues, 72 closed.

Our GitHub Projects boards show the status of issues currently associated with each release milestone and serve as the primary planning overview for upcoming releases:


Robert responded to a user who reported that the docs tutorial on Bundling CSS in a custom HTML plug-in is crashing:

Not clear at this point what the issue is, should work as described, may be platform-specific (Windows) issue. Further testing required.

Specifying log files

Discussion of preferred method for specifying log files in builds arises around #127 and dita-ot/dita-ot#2579.

Shane points out that it would be helpful if DITA-OT provided a parameter that would allow a different log file to be set for each target. Kris agrees that passing an argument to the CLI once doesn't cut it, we need a real parameter.

Shane created a new issue dita-ot/dita-ot#2587:

Building multiple targets and creating a log file for each target is a common workflow. A log filename can be specified on the command line for Ant or dita-command based builds, but this does not address the problem for a single build with multiple targets, and adds complexity to build scripts that run multiple builds.

Proposing that we create a new args.logfile parameter for builds that can be set either by the current --logfile command argument or in a properties file.

4 minutes later, the issue was closed as won't fix.


Kris reports that Peter sent her a message saying that he can't join today's call, but hopes to help from mid-February.

Kris suggests we should plan to focus on indexing or top-level structure for the next docs call.

Indexing work is less visible, might be better suited to an iterative process than top-level reorg, which will be immediately apparent (and thus perhaps best isolated on a separate branch).

(Need to keep release milestones in mind, targeting May release and November.)

Kris hopes to find the time to begin reviewing & contributing to the spreadsheet.

Taxonomy Tools

The UK Government Digital Service recently published an article on Using data science to build a taxonomy for GOV.UK, which provides insight into how they approach the task of taxonomy creation for a large body of content.

They have open-sourced the tools they use, and we might be able to adapt their approach for gathering a list of potential index terms for the DITA-OT docs:


Top-level customization node currently contains subsections for PDF & HTML, but some topics in PDF section actually apply to all types of customization. Split these out into a section on customizations in general, leaving only specifics in PDF & HTML sections.

Created 2017-02-02 15:44