A Processing/Java library for high performance GPU-Computing (GLSL).
+ Fluid Simulation (GLSL)
- Jos Stam, Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games
- Particle Sytems
- Flow Field Visualisation
- Streamlines
- ...
+ Flow Field Particles (GLSL)
- Collision Detection, Particle <-> Particle
- Collision Detection, Particle <-> Obstacle
- Cohesion
- Verlet Integration
- FlowField/SDF(Signed Distance Field) based
- Streamlines
- ...
+ Softbody Dynamics (CPU, GLSL is coming)
- 2D and 3D
- Collision Detection
- Cloth, Grids, Chains, Rigid Folding ...
- Particle Systems
- ...
+ Skylight Renderer (GLSL)
- Interactive/Realtime Viewport Renderer
- Ambient Occlusion
- Diffuse Shading
- ShadowMapping
- ...
+ PostProcessing Filters (GLSL)
- Box Blur
- Binomial Blur
- Gauss Blur
- Gauss Blur Pyramid
- Median
- Bilateral Filter
- Custom Convolution Kernel
- DoG (Difference of Gaussian)
- BackgroundSubtraction
- Difference
- Laplace
- Sobel
- Gamma Correction
- Luminace
- Thresholding
- Harris Corner Detection
- Optical Flow
- Bloom
- Depth of Field (DoF)
- Liquid FX Filter
- Summed Area Table (SAT)
- Distance Transform (Jumpflood), Voronoi, Distance Map
- Min/Max (global)
- Min/Max (local)
- Merge Shader
- FlowField
- Line Integral Convolution (LIC) / Streamlines
- ...
+ AntiAliasing (GLSL)
- MSAA (Processing Default)
+ Shadertoy (GLSL)
- Wrapper for running existing Shadertoy sketches inside Processing.
+ Utils
- HalfEdge
- Subdivision Polyhedra
- Sampling
- GLSL-Shader PreProcessor (#define, #include)
- GLSL-Shader Uniform Caching
- ...
JavaDoc: http://thomasdiewald.com/processing/libraries/pixelflow/reference/index.html
- Releases
- PixelFlow Website
- Processing IDE -> Library Manager
More Videos on Vimeo.
import com.thomasdiewald.pixelflow.java.DwPixelFlow;
import com.thomasdiewald.pixelflow.java.fluid.DwFluid2D;
// fluid simulation
DwFluid2D fluid;
// render target
PGraphics2D pg_fluid;
public void setup() {
size(800, 800, P2D);
// library context
DwPixelFlow context = new DwPixelFlow(this);
// fluid simulation
fluid = new DwFluid2D(context, width, height, 1);
// some fluid parameters
fluid.param.dissipation_velocity = 0.70f;
fluid.param.dissipation_density = 0.99f;
// adding data to the fluid simulation
fluid.addCallback_FluiData(new DwFluid2D.FluidData() {
public void update(DwFluid2D fluid) {
if (mousePressed) {
float px = mouseX;
float py = height-mouseY;
float vx = (mouseX - pmouseX) * +15;
float vy = (mouseY - pmouseY) * -15;
fluid.addVelocity(px, py, 14, vx, vy);
fluid.addDensity (px, py, 20, 0.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
fluid.addDensity (px, py, 8, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
pg_fluid = (PGraphics2D) createGraphics(width, height, P2D);
public void draw() {
// update simulation
// clear render target
// render fluid stuff
fluid.renderFluidTextures(pg_fluid, 0);
// display
image(pg_fluid, 0, 0);
Download Processing 3
Install PixelFlow via the Library Manager.
Or manually, unzip and put the extracted PixelFlow folder into the libraries folder of your Processing sketches. Reference and examples are included in the PixelFlow folder.
Also make sure you have the latest graphics card driver installed!
Windows, Linux, MacOSX
Video, by the Processing Foundation
https://processing.org/reference/libraries/video/index.html -
ControlP5, by Andreas Schlegel
http://www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlP5 -
PeasyCam, by Jonathan Feinberg
http://mrfeinberg.com/peasycam -
HE_Mesh, by Frederik Vanhoutte
JRubyArt is a ruby wrapper for processing by Martin Prout (monkstone)