This library contains bindings to the functions in dns_sd.h
, which
are used to perform generic DNS queries using the macOS resolver.
This is the best way to ensure that the query results match the
results obtained by other apps on OSX.
In a toplevel:
Dnssd.query "" Dns.Packet.Q_A;;
- : (Dns.Packet.rr list, Dnssd.error) result =
[{ = <abstr>; cls = Dns.Packet.RR_IN; flush = false; ttl = 187l; rdata = Dns.Packet.A <abstr>};
{ = <abstr>; cls = Dns.Packet.RR_IN; flush = false; ttl = 187l; rdata = Dns.Packet.CNAME <abstr>};
{ = <abstr>; cls = Dns.Packet.RR_IN; flush = false; ttl = 187l; rdata = Dns.Packet.CNAME <abstr>}]