This idiot once had the idea it would be good to analyze statistics in more detail in order to compare different area's, devices and measure the effect of parameter changes in order to properly tune the setup as well as creating the ability to evaluate functionality like PrioQ and nearby scanning.
Available data:
- interval period of 15, 60, 1440 and 10080 minutes
- per device, area and network
- locations handling (split between walk and teleport for #locations handled/success/failure/time required etc)
- detection stats (mons,iv,raid,quest on device level)
- mon stats (from table pokemon)
- quest stats
- restart / reboot data
- despawn time left
- spawnpoint statistics (added, known, last scanned etc)
- missing proto received minutes
Additionally, not related to Stats, but you can optionally set:
- cleanup op spawnpoint definitions in case they are f..... up by CommDay or Spotlight
- move spawns discovered during quest scan outside mon area to seperate table and remove from trs_spawn
- cleanup of trs_spawn for spawnpoint not seen for X days or after X days endtimes are still unknown
- Remove spawnpoints ouside mon_mitm fences seen less then X times today
- remove pokestops that became a gym
- remove pokestops that have no quest scanned for X days
- weekly re-caculation of quest routes
- cleanup of MAD tables pokemon/detection/location
- backup relevant tables from MAD database
- delete gyms that have not been scanned for X days
- process of MAD logs to db
With limited knowlegde, help from my best friend Google, the attitude "steal with pride" and some perseverance this is what I cooked up.
Surely it can be done more efficient and some will have a good laugh when looking this.
Anyway/ me.....steal with pride.....(ab)use it the way you see fit or just ignore it all together.
If you want to keep updated on Stats or some other great tools
Use it at you own risk, because bare in mind this was all done by an idiot!
- Activation of (raw)stats in MAD config.ini (statistic,game_stats,game_stats_raw) and
at default 300s - Mariadb 10.5
- Mariadb to be installed on server Stats is running on
- set max_heap_table_size in 50-server.cnf / my.cnf to min. 64M
- mysql strict mode disabled (should be done already for MAD)
- Make sure
is installed else,sudo apt-get install jq
- Make sure unzip is installed
- Clone Stats and copy config file:
git clone && cd Stats/ && cp default_files/config.ini.example config.ini
- Create stats database and grant privileges to user (make sure not to use
in password and, no, not going to escape it). i.e.:
create database ##STATS_DB##;
grant all privileges on ##STATS_DB##.* to ##MYSELF##@localhost;
flush privileges;
- Edit settings in file
. - Make sure SQL_user has privileges on both STATS_DB and MAD_DB.
Recommended way, making use of MAD mon_mitm fences.
- fill out MAD instance and database details in
- check any other settings in config.ini and set to your preference
- note: for really old setups, make sure your geofence names are not imported into db and have a name like
as this will fuckup creation of stats cron files!!!blame banana
- Execute
, this will create required stats tables, triggers, sql queries , procedures and crontab file - Edit crontab
crontab -e
and insert content ofcrontab.txt
located in Stats home.
1 executed without errors
2 cron logging is done to /Stats/logs/, check it
Adding devices:
- If each walker only contains 1 mon_mitm area, set MAD_DEVICE_INSERT=true in config.ini for automatic assignment.
- Else assign devices (MAD origins) to the created area's, table Area, manually, in mysql:
insert into ##STATS_DB##.Area (Area,Origin) values
Note 1: The geofence name used in MADmin is the Area name within Stats.
Note 2: in case a geofence consists of sub-fences these names will be stored in column Fence
in stats_area.
Note 3: if MAD_DEVICE_INSERT=false, make sure to add new devices to table Area
when expanding setup. I never remove origins as I want to keep the data collected.
- Install Grafana, more details can be found at or if you prefer to use docker
- Create datasource on STATS_DB and MAD_DB
- Add datasource names to config.ini
- After executing, import the dashboards from /Stats/grafana by selecting
and then import (Templates 20 and 21 connect to MAD_DB dashboard, the rest to STATS_DB).
Steps to be taken to update Stats depend on changes made, to make sure that you covered them all:
- git pull
- check for changes in config.ini.default located in folder /default_files and adapt config.ini accordingly
- execute
located in Stats root - replace crontab with content of crontab.txt located in Stats root
**Grafana** remove template(s) (Dashboards - Manage , select templates and delete) import template(s) (as described in last step for initial import in section 4)
RPL Report Length Period : will be 15, 60, 1440 or 10080 minutes
TRPL True RPL : doubt if that is still in use today but was once used to identify missing periods due too i.e. downtime
DevRPL Device RPL : each device will store stats every 5 minutes, depending on missing periods this value might me lower then RPL
Spawnpoints : from table Pokemon, number of spawnpoints first_scanned during RPL
DBspawns : from trs_spawn, number of spawnpoints within area
DBspawns_event : from trs_spawn and trs_event, number of spawnpoints within area that at start of period should be active according to trs_event
Spawn60 : spawndef=15 so 60 minute spawn (events do mess this number up, cleanup after event is needed)
Spawn30 : spawndef<>15 so most likely 30 minute spawn
%timeleft : average % of despawn time left
%5min : % of mons scanned within the first 5 minutes of spawntime
Tmon : total mons scanned based on worker stats so not table pokemon
Tloc : total locations (route position) scanned
LocOk : number of correctly handled locations
LocNok : as above but incorrectly handled
LocFR : Location Failure Rate : % route positions incorrectly handled
Tp : number of TelePorts when changing route position
TpOk : successfull handled locations when teleporting
TpNok : as above but unsuccessfull
TpFr : TelePort Failure Rate
TpT : Teleport Time : average time required after expiration of post_teleport_delay until gmo is received
Wk : Waking to next route position counter
TkOk : successfull handled locations when walking
TkNok : as above but unsuccessfull
WkT : average time required after expiration of post_walk_delay until gmo is received
WkFr : Walk Failure Rate
Res : number of pogo restarts
Reb : number of device reboots
missingProtoMinute : every minute check lastProtoDateTime < now() - interval 1 minute and step the counter if true
Or at least this is my understanding of them :)