imdisk.exe -e -s 300M -m B: - увеличение диска B на 300 Мб
imdisk -a -t file -o ro -m y: -f C:\Boot.img - монтировать образ Boot.img диском Y, только чтение
imdisk -a -t file -m y: -f C:\Boot.img - монтировать образ Boot.img диском Y, только чтение/запись
imdisk -d -m y: - демонтировать диск Y
imdisk -a -s 150M -m #: -p "/fs:ntfs /y /q /v:imdisk - создать диск размером 150 Мб, буква диска первая свободная, форматирование в NTFS, метка диска imdisk
imdisk -a -s 10% -m #: -p "/fs:ntfs /y /q /v:imdisk - тоже что и предыдущее, только размер указан как 10 процентов от свободной памяти.
imdisk -a -s -500M -m #: -p "/fs:ntfs /y /q /v:imdisk - тоже что и предыдущее, только размер указан со знаком минуса, то есть равный обьёму свободной памяти минус указанный размер. При 1200 Мб свободной памяти размер диска станет 1200-500=700Мб
imdisk.exe -a -t proxy -o ip -f -m Z: - использование с сервером, нашёл в инете, на деле не проверял.
-a - подключение вирт. диска.
-d - отключение вирт. диска.
-e - редактирование вирт. диска.
-b - указать смещение, то есть начало данных на диске, указывается для дисков созданных в разных программах, в образах которых нужно пропустить начальные атрибуты в файле.
-s - размер виртуального диска. Размер является количеством байтов если не прибавлен суффикс a (авто), b (колич. 512 байтовых блоков), k (тысяча байт), m (миллион байт), g (миллиард байт), t (триллиона байт), K (килобайт), M (мегабайт), G (гигабайт) или T (терабайт). Тысяча байт и килобайт, отличаются тем, что в килобайте 1024 байт, а не 1000. Например. -s 150M или -s 10% - 10 процентов от свободной памяти. Параметр -500M - со знаком минуса определяет размер создаваемого диска как обьём свободной памяти минус указанный размер.
-o - установить опции, применяется совместно с параметрами указанными ниже
ro - только чтение
rw - чтения/запись
rem - установить как сменный диск (флешка). Это определяет свойства диска, кэширование и прочее.
fix - установить как постоянный, фиксированный диск (в противоположность rem)
cd - создание виртуального CD-ROM/DVD-ROM.
fd - создание флоппи диска. По умолчанию для размеров 160K, 180K, 320K, 360K, 640K, 720K, 820K, 1200K, 1440K, 1680K, 1722K, 2880K, 123264K or 234752K.
hd - создание раздела харда.
ip - параметр для подключения к прокси серверу.
comm - подключение к серверу памяти через COM-порт.
-m - Определяет букву накопителя. Например -m B: или -m y: или -m #: - первая свободная буква диска.
-f - имя файла вирт. диска, например -f C:\Boot.img или -f \server\share\image.bin или -F \Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\image.bin - последнее, когда буква диска не назначена и определение по номеру харда, номеру партиции (логического диска) и далее реальный путь.
-t - место для диска, например -t file - образ является файлом на диске, -t vm - загрузить вирт. диск в память, -t proxy - использование внешнего сетевого вирт. диска, используется с параметром -f
-p - форматирование, когда диск создан. Например, -p "/fs:ntfs /q /y", создаёт ntfs-файловую систему быстрым форматированием. Параметр /v:my_disk - метка диска, -p "/fs:fat32 /q /y" - форматирование в FAT32
Прочие параметры
-S - Размер сектора используемый в устройстве. По умолчанию 512 байт, за исключением CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, где размер 2048 байт по умолчанию.
-x - смотри параметр -y, ниже.
-y - Параметры -x и -y определяют геометрию диска. Это полезно для создания загрузочных образов с последующей загрузкой на физическое устройство. Тип устройства зависит от -o, например 1440K получает 2 дорожки/цилиндр и 18 секторов/дорожка.
-u - Вместе с -a - запрос номера устройства. Вместе с -d или -l запрос номера устройства на удаление или запрос свойств.
-l - Список устройств. Если с параметрами -u или -m, показать детали.
-n - Когда печатаются имена устройств ImDisk , напечатать только имена устройств.
Создание и монтирование образа
Для того, чтобы была возможность создать образ дискеты, и смонтировать его, нужно выполнить следующую команду в командной строке:
imdisk -a -f C:\Images\Keys.img -s 1440K -m A:
Используемые параметры обозначают следующее:
-a - подключить образ
-f - путь к образу
-s - размер создаваемого образа. Для того, чтобы образ был смонтирован как флоппи-диск, его размер должен быть равен одному из стандартных значений: 160K, 180K, 320K, 360K, 640K, 720K, 820K, 1200K, 1440K, 1680K, 1722K, 2880K, 123264K, 234752K.
-m - буква диска
imdisk -h
Control program for the ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver.
For copyrights and credits, type imdisk --version
imdisk -a -t type -m mountpoint [-n] [-o opt1[,opt2 ...]] [-f|-F file]
[-s size] [-b offset] [-v partition] [-S sectorsize] [-u unit]
[-x sectors/track] [-y tracks/cylinder] [-p "format-parameters"] [-P]
imdisk -d|-D [-u unit | -m mountpoint] [-P]
imdisk -R -u unit
imdisk -l [-u unit | -m mountpoint]
imdisk -e [-s size] [-o opt1[,opt2 ...]] [-u unit | -m mountpoint]
-a Attach a virtual disk. This will configure and attach a virtual disk
with the parameters specified and attach it to the system.
-d Detach a virtual disk from the system and release all resources.
Use -D to force removal even if the device is in use.
-R Emergency removal of hung virtual disks. Should only be used as a last
resort when a virtual disk has some kind of problem that makes it
impossible to detach it in a safe way. This could happen for example
for proxy-type virtual disks sometimes when proxy communication fails.
Note that this does not attempt to dismount filesystem or lock the
volume in any way so there is a potential risk of data loss. Use with
-e Edit an existing virtual disk.
Along with the -s parameter extends the size of an existing virtual
disk. Note that even if the disk can be extended successfully, the
existing filesystem on it can only be extended to fill the new size
without re-formatting if you are running Windows 2000 or later and the
current filesystem is NTFS.
Along with the -o parameter changes media characteristics for an
existing virtual disk. Options that can be changed on existing virtual
disks are those specifying wether or not the media of the virtual disk
should be writable and/or removable.
-t type
Select the backingstore for the virtual disk.
vm Storage for this type of virtual disk is allocated from virtual memory
in the system process. If a file is specified with -f that file is
is loaded into the memory allocated for the disk image.
file A file specified with -f file becomes the backingstore for this
virtual disk.
proxy The actual backingstore for this type of virtual disk is controlled by
an ImDisk storage server accessed by the driver on this machine by
sending storage I/O request through a named pipe specified with -f.
-f file or -F file
Filename to use as backingstore for the file type virtual disk, to
initialize a vm type virtual disk or name of a named pipe for I/O
client/server communication for proxy type virtual disks. For proxy
type virtual disks "file" may be a COM port or a remote server
address if the -o options includes "ip" or "comm".
Instead of using -f to specify 'DOS-style' paths, such as
C:\dir\image.bin or \\server\share\image.bin, you can use -F to
specify 'NT-style' native paths, such as
\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\image.bin. This makes it possible to
specify files on disks or communication devices that currently have no
drive letters assigned.
-l List configured devices. If given with -u or -m, display details about
that particular device.
-n When printing ImDisk device names, print only the unit number without
the \Device\ImDisk prefix.
-s size
Size of the virtual disk. Size is number of bytes unless suffixed with
a b, k, m, g, t, K, M, G or T which denotes number of 512-byte blocks,
thousand bytes, million bytes, billion bytes, trillion bytes,
kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes and terabytes respectively. The suffix
can also be % to indicate percentage of free physical memory which
could be useful when creating vm type virtual disks. It is optional to
specify a size unless the file to use for a file type virtual disk does
not already exist or when a vm type virtual disk is created without
specifying an initialization image file using the -f or -F. If size is
specified when creating a file type virtual disk, the size of the file
used as backingstore for the virtual disk is adjusted to the new size
specified with this size option.
The size can be a negative value to indicate the size of free physical
memory minus this size. If you e.g. type -400M the size of the virtual
disk will be the amount of free physical memory minus 400 MB.
-b offset
Specifies an offset in an image file where the virtual disk begins. All
offsets of I/O operations on the virtual disk will be relative to this
offset. This parameter is particularily useful when mounting a specific
partition in an image file that contains an image of a complete hard
disk, not just one partition. This parameter has no effect when
creating a blank vm type virtual disk. When creating a vm type virtual
disk with a pre-load image file specified with -f or -F parameters, the
-b parameter specifies an offset in the image file where the image to
be loaded into the vm type virtual disk begins.
Specify auto as offset to automatically select offset for a few known
non-raw disk image file formats. Currently auto-selection is supported
for Nero .nrg and Microsoft .sdi image files.
-v partition
Specifies which partition to mount when mounting a raw hard disk image
file containing a master boot record and partitions.
Specify number 1-4 to mount a partition from the primary partition
table and 5-8 to mount a partition from an extended partition table.
-S sectorsize
Sectorsize to use for the virtual disk device. Default value is 512
bytes except for CD-ROM/DVD-ROM style devices where 2048 bytes is used
by default.
-x sectors/track
See the description of the -y option below.
-y tracks/cylinder
The -x and -y options can be used to specify a synthetic geometry.
This is useful for constructing bootable images for later download to
physical devices. Default values depend on the device-type specified
with the -o option. If the 'fd' option is specified the default values
are based on the virtual disk size, e.g. a 1440K image gets 2
tracks/cylinder and 18 sectors/track.
-p "format-parameters"
If -p is specified the 'format' command is invoked to create a
filesystem when the new virtual disk has been created.
"format-parameters" must be a parameter string enclosed within
double-quotes. The string is added to the command line that starts
'format'. You usually specify something like "/fs:ntfs /q /y", that
is, create an NTFS filesystem with quick formatting and without user
-o option
Set or reset options.
ro Creates a read-only virtual disk. For vm type virtual disks, this
option can only be used if the -f option is also specified.
rw Specifies that the virtual disk should be read/writable. This is the
default setting. It can be used with the -e parameter to set an
existing read-only virtual disk writable.
sparse Sets NTFS sparse attribute on image file. This has no effect on proxy
or vm type virtual disks.
rem Specifies that the device should be created with removable media
characteristics. This changes the device properties returned by the
driver to the system. For example, this changes how some filesystems
cache write operations.
fix Specifies that the media characteristics of the virtual disk should be
fixed media, as opposed to removable media specified with the rem
option. Fixed media is the default setting. The fix option can be used
with the -e parameter to set an existing removable virtual disk as
saved Clears the 'image modified' flag from an existing virtual disk. This
flag is set by the driver when an image is modified and is displayed
in the -l output for a virtual disk. The 'saved' option is only valid
with the -e parameter.
Note that virtual floppy or CD/DVD-ROM drives are always read-only and
removable devices and that cannot be changed.
cd Creates a virtual CD-ROM/DVD-ROM. This is the default if the file
name specified with the -f option ends with either .iso, .nrg or .bin
fd Creates a virtual floppy disk. This is the default if the size of the
virtual disk is any of 160K, 180K, 320K, 360K, 640K, 720K, 820K, 1200K,
1440K, 1680K, 1722K, 2880K, 123264K or 234752K.
hd Creates a virtual fixed disk partition. This is the default unless
file extension or size match the criterias for defaulting to the cd or
fd options.
raw Creates a device object with "unknown" device type. The system will not
attempt to do anything by its own with such devices, but it could be
useful in combination with third-party drivers that can provide further
device objects using this virtual disk device as a backing store.
ip Can only be used with proxy-type virtual disks. With this option, the
user-mode service component is initialized to connect to an ImDisk
storage server using TCP/IP. With this option, the -f switch specifies
the remote host optionally followed by a colon and a port number to
connect to.
comm Can only be used with proxy-type virtual disks. With this option, the
user-mode service component is initialized to connect to an ImDisk
storage server through a COM port. With this option, the -f switch
specifies the COM port to connect to, optionally followed by a colon,
a space, and then a device settings string with the same syntax as the
MODE command.
shm Can only be used with proxy-type virtual disks. With this option, the
driver communicates with a storage server on the same computer using
shared memory block to transfer I/O data.
awe Can only be used with file-type virtual disks. With this option, the
driver copies contents of image file to physical memory. No changes are
written to image file. If this option is used in combination with no
image file name, a physical memory block will be used without loading
an image file onto it. In that case, -s parameter is needed to specify
size of memory block. This option requires awealloc driver, which
requires Windows 2000 or later.
bswap Instructs driver to swap each pair of bytes read from or written to
image file. Useful when examining images from some embedded systems
and similar where data is stored in reverse byte order.
shared Instructs driver to open image file in shared write mode even when
image is opened for writing. This can be useful to mount each partition
of a multi-partition image as separate virtual disks with different
image file offsets and sizes. It could potentially corrupt filesystems
if used with incorrect offset and size parameters so use with caution!
par Parallel I/O. Valid for file-type virtual disks. With this flag set,
driver sends read and write requests for the virtual disk directly down
to the filesystem driver that handles the image file, within the same
thread context as the original request was made. In some scenarios this
flag can increase performance, particularly when you use several layers
of virtual disks backed by image files stored on other virtual disks,
network file shares or similar storage.
This flag is not supported in all scenarios depending on other drivers
that need to complete requests to the image file. It could also degrade
performance or cause reads and writes to fail if underlying drivers
cannot handle I/O requests simultaneously.
-u unit
Along with -a, request a specific unit number for the ImDisk device
instead of automatic allocation. Along with -d or -l specifies the
unit number of the virtual disk to remove or query.
-m mountpoint
Specifies a drive letter or mount point for the new virtual disk, the
virtual disk to query or the virtual disk to remove. When creating a
new virtual disk you can specify #: as mountpoint in which case the
first unused drive letter is automatically used.
-P Persistent. Along with -a, saves registry settings for re-creating the
same virtual disk automatically when driver is loaded, which usually
occurs during system startup. Along with -d or -D, existing such
settings for the removed virtual disk are also removed from registry.
There are some limitations to what settings could be saved in this way.
Only features directly implemented in the kernel level driver are
saved, so for example the -p switch to format a virtual disk will not
be saved.