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Release History

v2.0.2 - Fixed crop names not being translated correctly.

v2.0.1 - Added support for other mods.

v1.2.0 - Automatically check for Agriculturist skill (determined by the main player in multiplayer). Added flag for base crops in preparation for mod compatibility (coming soon).

v1.1.0 - Added configuration settings. Will now show messages when it is the last day to use each type of Speed Gro.

v1.0.0 - Initial Release.



The configuration options work like this: In addition to a notification on Day 16 of Spring for Cauliflower, if you enable all options, you will also get a notification on Days 18, 19, and 20 for Speed Gro, Deluxe Speed Gro, and Hyper Speed Gro, respectively, for Cauliflower. As another example, you could also set ShowBaseCrops to false and set ShowSpeedGro to true to only recieve notifications on the last day that Speed Gro can be used.

The config.json file looks like this:

  "IncludeBaseGameCrops": true,
  "ShowBaseCrops": true,
  "ShowSpeedGro": false,
  "ShowDeluxeSpeedGro": false,
  "ShowHyperSpeedGro": false,
  "PPJAFruitsAndVeggiesPath": "",
  "PPJAFantasyCropsPath": "",
  "PPJAAncientCropsPath": "",
  "PPJACannabisKitPath": "",
  "BonstersFruitAndVeggiesPath": "",

Any option that ends with "Path" expects a full path to the root folder of that mod. For example, "PPJAFruitsAndVeggiesPath": "D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Fruits and Veggies". If you have any issues getting the path right, let me know via GitHub:

Running into issues?

If something is going wrong, please let me know by submitting an issue on GitHub:, or email me directly at I try my best to test multiple scenarios, but I can't test everything.

Supported Languages

  • English
  • Spanish
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Russian

I am aware that some translations are not getting the translated crop name. I am looking into this and hope to have a fix soon.

Special Thanks

@Duckexza ( - Brazilian translation @4x4cheesecake ( - Fix for this issue: #16

@4x4cheesecake - Fix for #16

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