- Institution: FEUP
- Course: BDAD (Databases)
- Subjects: Introduction to databases, UML modelling, relations, database construction, querying and management
- Environment: SQLite3
- Tools: SQL
- Course grade: 18/20
- Theoretical-practical lessons
- Tests solutions
- Exams solutions
- Curricular unit book exercises
- Kahoot (actually only has a script to create the usual College database)
Documents are available as release assets.
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> Workflows
> docs
, go to the most recent action and check This run > Artifacts
© 2020 Diogo Rodrigues
All files are licensed under GNU General Public License v3 by © 2020 Diogo Rodrigues, to the exception of:
files, which were authored by the lecturers- some
files, which were authored by the lecturers - all files in the
folder and all artifacts deriving from it, which are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
The files not authored by me are presented as a fundamental complement to the presented solutions, and are made available under fair use for education.
Aside from me, the following contributors played a fundamental role in collecting further information about the contents of this repository: