A Vk.com (Vkontakte.ru) driver for AdonisJS Ally.
Please note that port 80 should be used for your Adonis app, as VK only allows oAuth redirects to port 80.
Install the package from your command line.
npm i adonis6_ally_vk
yarn add adonis6_ally_vk
node ace add adonis6_ally_vk
import { VkDriverService } from 'adonis6_ally_vk'
const allyConfig = defineConfig({
vk: VkDriverService({
clientId: env.get('VK_CLIENT_ID'),
clientSecret: env.get('VK_CLIENT_SECRET'),
// Define here your callback URL, e.g.:
callbackUrl: `${env.get('APP_URL')}/auth/vk/callback`,
// Additional options
// Use additional scopes if needed (default: ['vkid.personal_info', 'email'])
// e.g:
scopes: ['email', 'phone'],
// All available scopes: https://id.vk.com/about/business/go/docs/ru/vkid/latest/vk-id/connection/work-with-user-info/scopes
// Use custom Vk ID provider (default: 'vkid'). Can be: vkid, ok_ru, mail_ru
vkIdProvider: 'vkid',
// Use custom language (default: '0' (rus)). Can be: 0 (rus), 1 (ukr), 3 (eng), 4 (spa), 6 (german), 15 (pol), 16 (fra), 82 (turkey)
langId: 0,
// Use custom url getting user info (default: 'https://id.vk.com/oauth2/user_info'):
userInfoUrl: 'https://id.vk.com/oauth2/user_info',
// Use custom url getting access token (default: 'https://id.vk.com/oauth2/auth') e.g.:
accessTokenUrl: 'https://id.vk.com/oauth2/auth',
// Use custom url getting authorize token (default: 'https://id.vk.com/authorize') e.g.:
authorizeUrl: 'https://id.vk.com/authorize',
If you don't want to configure the driver automatically:
VK_CLIENT_ID: Env.schema.string(),
VK_CLIENT_SECRET: Env.schema.string(),
And after that, add the provider to allyConfig as indicated in step 3 of the automatic configuration above