TR-369 USP message encode/decode with AWS Lambda functions written in C++.
This is a project to encode and decode TR-369 USP messages(BroadBand Forum). The messages are Google protobuf messages that are encoded/decoded from/to JSON for use by AWS functions.
The C++ encode/decode library is created by using the Google protoc compiler to generate the C++ source code based on the definition provided by the USP protocol description files.
The CMakeList.txt will download a specific version of the protobuf package and build it with the configured compiler. This includes the protoc compiler which is used to process the protocol description files (usp-msg-1-1.proto, usp-record-1-1.proto). Building the protoc compiler ensures that the generated C++ code is compatible with the generated protobuf static library that is linked with the encode/decode lambdas.
- CMake 3.18
- AWS Lambda C++ Runtime and its dependencies (See
Ensure that the AWS Lambda C++ Runtime and its dependencies are built as instructed.
$ cd usp-cpp-lambda
$ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<aws-libraries> -S . -B build
$ cd build
$ make
### Prefix notes
The cmake prefix may be something like:
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH='~/aws/aws_deps;~/aws/aws-lambda-lib' -S . -B build