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WMAgent in Docker

Erik Gough edited this page Jan 8, 2020 · 3 revisions

WMAgent in Docker using the deployment scripts.

This page provides details of the initial assessment of running WMAgent in Docker. The Dockerfile for WMAgent can be found at The standard "" script was split into the "" and "" scripts used in the Dockerfile. This builds a single large image with all components baked in (MariaDB, CouchDB, etc.). Future work will split these services into separate containers.

Initial Set up

Requires Docker to be installed an agent VM (vocmsXXXX) running a schedd. Alan can do this.

[user@vocmsXXXX ~]$ sudo yum install docker

Update the OPTIONS line in /etc/sysconfig/docker, adding -G dockerroot OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled --log-driver=journald --signature-verification=false -G dockerroot'

[user@vocmsXXXX ~]$ sudo systemctl start docker
[user@vocmsXXXX ~]$ sudo systemctl enable docker

Add users to the dockerroot group

[user@vocmsXXXX ~]$ sudo usermod -aG dockerroot <username>

Make sure you can run a docker command under your CERN account.

[user@vocmsXXXX ~]$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

If you get an error, double check you are in the dockerroot group and logout/# to make sure the new group membership is active.

Clone the CMSKubernetes repo

[user@vocmsXXXX ~]$ git clone
[user@vocmsXXXX ~]$ cd cd CMSKubernetes/docker/wmagent/

Build the WMAgent Docker image

These images have not been uploaded to any central Docker repo so you will have to build them yourself. Default build options are defined in The image only contains things common to all agents. Set these to the tag numbers you want to build.


Run options are defined in A JobSubmitter patch from PR 9453 is required if you want to actually run workflows. The run script configures things unique to an agent running in a container, initializes the agent config and databases.


You have to edit both and before you build the image. WMA_TAG and DEPLOY_TAG in must match what is in

Building the image

docker build --network=host .

This will spit out an image ID which can be used to run the container. You can optionally specify an image tag in the build command.

Running a WMAgent container

You must bind mount several directories and update the selinux lables with the Z option.

  • /data/certs
  • /etc/condor (schedd runs on the host, not the container)
  • /tmp
  • /data/srv/wmagent/current/install (stateful service and component dirs)
  • /data/srv/wmagent/current/config

You also need to bind mount the secrets file.

  • /data/admin/wmagent/WMAgent.secrets

The Dockerfile is set to simply drop you to a login shell (instead of running automatically). This allows you to look around in the container and run manually when you want to initialize the agent. The install and config dirs will be initialized the first time you execute and a .dockerinit file will be placed to keep track of the initialization. Subsequent container restarts won't touch these directories.

Run command:

docker run --network=host --rm -h `hostname -f` -it \
-v /data/certs:/data/certs:Z \
-v /etc/condor:/etc/condor:Z \
-v /tmp:/tmp:Z \
-v /data/srv/wmagent/current/install:/data/srv/wmagent/current/install:Z \
-v /data/srv/wmagent/current/config:/data/srv/wmagent/current/config:Z \
-v /data/admin/wmagent/WMAgent.secrets:/data/admin/wmagent/WMAgent.secrets:Z \

Use the image id or tag you defined from when you built the container for in the run command.

Running the Agent

At this point things should be very familiar. The script will have initialized MariaDB and CouchDB. Source the agent environment and $manage start-agent and your Docker agent should be up and running.

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