k3d cluster create main-cluster --agents 2
Then we'll launch each section as a separate deployment. For convenience purposes, a default secret "db-secret" is present as a file. This is not safe to use the default value of course. Note the the secret is duplicated across namespaces.
kubectl apply -f ./api/infra/1_data/
kubectl apply -f ./api/infra/2_back/
kubectl apply -f ./front-end/infra/
Since I'm using k3d in this setup, we're going to manually expose the frontend via a port forward.
kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -n next-front | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1) 3000:3000 -n next-front
Then you can head over to your browser to try out the "beautiful" website
k3d cluster delete main-cluster
All images can be built using docker build -t <whatyouwant> .
in their respective folders:
for the front end/api
for the api