Clojure wrapper for New Relic
Add this to your Leiningen project.clj :dependencies
Jar is available in Clojars.
Basic NewRelic transaction tracing utilities located in new-reliquary.core
(defn with-newrelic-transaction
([category transaction-name custom-params callback] ...)
([category transaction-name callback] ...)
([callback] ...))
Creates a transaction with optional transaction name and custom params.
If transaction name is not passed, then set-transaction-name
be used inside the transaction.
Sets name to the transaction. Must be used if transaction is created
with with-newrelic-transaction callback
. See,%20java.lang.String)
Adds new custom parameter to the transaction. Must be called inside the transaction. See:,%20java.lang.String)
(:require [new-reliquary.core :as newrelic])
(defn update-facebook-likes [] ...)
"My custom category"
"Facebook data updating"
{:user "jk" :huge-clojure-fan true}
(fn [] (newrelic/set-transaction-name "backend" "poller") ...)
Middleware to start NewRelic web transaction. Located in new-reliquary.ring
If you want to add query parameters as new relic custom params, make sure that
request contains hash map :query-params
(not in the default ring setup).
This can be achieved easily by using ring.middleware.params/wrap-params
(ns new-reliquary-example.main
(:require [new-reliquary.ring :refer [wrap-newrelic-transaction]]
[ring.middleware.params :refer [wrap-params]]))
(defn request-handler [request] {:body "Hello world"})
(def app (-> request-handler
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or any later version.