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Beautiful iOS side menu library with parallax effect. Written in Swift


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AKSideMenu is a double side menu library with parallax effect.

AKSideMenu Screenshot

AKSideMenu Screenshot

Example Project

See the contained examples to get a sample of how AKSideMenu can easily be integrated in your project.

Build the examples from the AKSideMenuExamples directory.


To install, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'AKSideMenu'

To install, add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "dogo/AKSideMenu" "1.4.5"

Easy to use

Simple implementation

In your AppDelegate, add the code below.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    self.window = UIWindow.init(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)

    // Create content and menu controllers
    let navigationController: UINavigationController = UINavigationController.init(rootViewController: FirstViewController.init())
    let leftMenuViewController: LeftMenuViewController = LeftMenuViewController.init()
    let rightMenuViewController: RightMenuViewController = RightMenuViewController.init()

    // Create side menu controller
    let sideMenuViewController: AKSideMenu = AKSideMenu(contentViewController: navigationController, leftMenuViewController: leftMenuViewController, rightMenuViewController: rightMenuViewController)

    // Make it a root controller
    self.window!.rootViewController = sideMenuViewController

    self.window!.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
    return true

Storyboards Example

  1. Create a subclass of AKSideMenu. In this example we call it RootViewController.
  2. In the Storyboard designate the root view's owner as RootViewController.
  3. Add more view controllers to your Storyboard, and give them identifiers "leftMenuViewController", "rightMenuViewController" and "contentViewController". Note that in the new XCode the identifier is called "Storyboard ID" and can be found in the Identity inspector.
  4. Add a method awakeFromNib to RootViewController.swift with the following code:
override public func awakeFromNib() {    
    self.contentViewController = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("contentViewController")
    self.leftMenuViewController = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("leftMenuViewController")
    self.rightMenuViewController = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("rightMenuViewController")

Here is an example of a delegate implementation. Please adapt the code to your context.

sideMenuViewController.delegate = self

// MARK: - <AKSideMenuDelegate>

open func sideMenu(_ sideMenu: AKSideMenu, shouldRecognizeGesture recognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, simultaneouslyWith otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
    // return true to allow both gesture recognizers to recognize simultaneously. Returns false by default
    return false

open func sideMenu(_ sideMenu: AKSideMenu, gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, shouldRequireFailureOf otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
    // return true or false based on your failure requirements. Returns false by default
    return false

open func sideMenu(_ sideMenu: AKSideMenu, gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, shouldBeRequiredToFailBy otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
    // return true or false based on your failure requirements. Returns false by default
    return false

open func sideMenu(_ sideMenu: AKSideMenu, willShowMenuViewController menuViewController: UIViewController) {

open func sideMenu(_ sideMenu: AKSideMenu, didShowMenuViewController menuViewController: UIViewController) {

open func sideMenu(_ sideMenu: AKSideMenu, willHideMenuViewController menuViewController: UIViewController) {

open func sideMenu(_ sideMenu: AKSideMenu, didHideMenuViewController menuViewController: UIViewController) {

Present the menu view controller:




Switch content view controllers:

self.sideMenuViewController!.setContentViewController(viewController, animated: true)


public var animationDuration: TimeInterval

The animation duration. Defaults to 0.35.

public var backgroundImage: UIImage

The content background image. Defaults to white.

public var panGestureEnabled: Bool

Enables panGesture detection. Defaults to True.

public var panFromEdge: Bool

Enables panGesture detection from the edge. Defaults to True.

public var panMinimumOpenThreshold: Float

The minimum pan gesture amount to open the side menu. Defaults to 60.0.

public var interactivePopGestureRecognizerEnabled: Bool

Enables interactive pop gesture recognizer. Defaults to True.

public var scaleContentView: Bool

TODO. Defaults to True.

public var scaleBackgroundImageView: Bool

TODO. Defaults to False.

public var scaleMenuView: Bool

TODO. Defaults to True.

public let contentViewShadowEnabled: Bool

TODO. Defaults to False.

public var contentViewShadowOffset: CGSize

TODO. Defaults to CGSizeZero.

public var contentViewShadowOpacity: Float

TODO. Defaults to 0.4.

public var contentViewShadowRadius: CGFloat

TODO. Defaults to 8.0.

public var contentViewScaleValue: CGFloat

TODO. Defaults to 0.7.

public var contentViewInLandscapeOffsetCenterX: CGFloat

TODO. Defaults to 30.0.

public var contentViewInPortraitOffsetCenterX: CGFloat

TODO. Defaults to 30.0.

public var parallaxMenuMinimumRelativeValue: CGFloat

TODO. Defaults to -15.

public var parallaxMenuMaximumRelativeValue: CGFloat

TODO. Defaults to 15.

public var parallaxContentMinimumRelativeValue: CGFloat

TODO. Defaults to -25.

public var parallaxContentMaximumRelativeValue: CGFloat

TODO. Defaults to 25.

public var menuViewControllerTransformation: CGAffineTransform

TODO. Defaults to nil.

public var parallaxEnabled: Bool

TODO. Defaults to True.

public var bouncesHorizontally: Bool

TODO. Defaults to True.

public var menuPreferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle

Preferred UIStatusBarStyle when the menu is visible. Defaults to UIStatusBarStyle.default.

public var menuPrefersStatusBarHidden: Bool

Sets StatusBar hidden or not when the menu is visible. Defaults to False.

public var backgroundTransformScale: CGFloat

Sets the transform scale amount applied to the background imageview. Defaults to 1.7.

public var panFromEdgeZoneWidth: CGFloat

Sets the width of the pan gesture zone should be recognized. Defaults to 20.0.

public var panGestureLeftEnabled: Bool

Enable or disable left pan gesture recognition. Defaults to True.

public var panGestureRightEnabled: Bool

Enable or disable right pan gesture recognition. Defaults to True.


I tried to build an easy way to use API, while being flexible enough for multiple variations, but I'm sure there are ways of improving and adding more features, so feel free to collaborate with ideas, issues and/or pull requests.


AKSideMenu needs ARC.


AKSideMenu is available under the MIT license.

Thanks to the original team

Roman Efimov @romaonthego