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Tools you need

lbod edited this page Dec 12, 2013 · 9 revisions
  • git
  • node (0.8 > 0.10 currently tested)
  • npm
  • exported versions of details.json and tree.json which Dojo's js-doc-parse application exports
  • grunt (but you'll only need it if you're doing any development of dapi or trying out example docs. It's installed using npm on this repository when installing dev dependencies) but expected you've installed globally the grunt-cli tools e.g. npm install -g grunt-cli

##jade## dapi uses the jade.js template engine to generate HTML.

If you intend doing any in-depth theming where you need to modify the actual output markup, you will need to understand it's syntax.

Jade views are stored in the /views directory as *.jade files, you can also implement completely seperate views using configuration to point to a different view directory.

##Windows users## This is outside the scope of this repository but may be helpful to unfortunate Windows users and those stuck in corporate environments:

  1. If you're using git you really should be using msysGit ( and * If you're not using msysGit, you really, really should
  2. If you use NTLM authentication for your firewalls and your corporates have issues with how GIT and npm authenticate, it's worth considering CNTLM (