A small application that generates different kinds of logs to the standard output for testing of log aggregation systems. It will print a predefined set of log messages at different levels, with a formatting of your choice.
The simplest way to run it is to use the published Docker image dolittle/logfeeder
, for example:
$ docker run dolittle/logfeeder
2022-05-23T06:10:47.0723536+00:00 info: Program[1]
Using formatter Simple with colors True and time True at loglevel Trace. Configure these with the 'FORMATTER', 'COLORS', 'LEVEL' environmental variables.
2022-05-23T06:10:48.0599255+00:00 warn: Program[2]
This program does not really have a purpose, I will just sit here and print log messages forever. If you were expecting something else, you should probably run another program. But I can't really help you figure out which one. If you find out, please let me know 👍
2022-05-23T06:10:49.0625179+00:00 dbug: Service[5]
The service is starting some important work, the count is 0
The application is configured with a set of environmental variables:
Variable | Values | Description |
FORMATTER | simple , json , logfmt |
Selects the formatter to use for printing log messages. Defaults to simple |
COLORS | true , false |
Use VT characters to print colors when using the simple formatter. |
TIME | true , false |
Print the current time as part of the log message. |