These dotfiles contain configuration for terminals, editors, source control and other tools. Enjoy!
Use the system software update tool on a fresh install of macOS to download and install all updates applicable to the system.
Add the Xcode Command Line Tools to access git
and make
sudo softwareupdate --install --all
xcode-select --install
Add Homebrew to install apps and binaries.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Clone this repository to the desired directory.
git clone
Run ./
to install binaries and applications with Homebrew.
Add Oh My Zsh with curl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install zsh-nvm
as an Oh My Zsh custom plugin and add it to the plugins list in ~/.zshrc
plugins=(git zsh-nvm)
Install dockutil.
v3 may not be supported via Homebrew. Track this PR.
Run ./mac/
and ./mac/
to add sensible defaults for the macOS dock and wider OS.
Move dotfiles to the root directory or use symlinks to open the files from the directory this repository was cloned into.
Check for existing SSH keys.
ls -al ~/.ssh
Follow these steps to generate a new SSH key and add it to ssh-agent.
Follow these steps to add a new SSH key to a GitHub account.
- Install React Developer Tools
- Install Night Owl (No Italics) theme
- Install GitLens
- Install ESLint
- Install Prettier
- Install Code Spell Checker
- Set Font Size to 18
- Set New Windows to Columns 75
- Set New Windows to Rows 25
- Set Working Directory to Reuse previous session’s directory