This module downloads and extracts compressed files to a specific directory.
The following archives are supported:
- .tar.gz
- .tgz
- .tar.bz2
- .tar.xz
###Setup Requirements
# Set the default temp directory to use
class { 'deploy':
tempdir => '/opt/deploy'
# Deploy Java tar file
deploy::file { 'jdk-7u21-linux-x64.tar.gz':
target => '/opt/development-tools/java/jdk1.7.0_21',
url => '',
strip => true,
# Deploy another tar file
deploy::file { 'jdk-8-ea-bin-b90-linux-x64-16_may_2013.tar.gz':
target => '/opt/development-tools/java/jdk1.8.0_b90',
url => '',
strip => true,
deploy::file { 'apache-maven-3.0.5-bin.tar.gz':
target => '/opt/development-tools/apache-maven',
url => 'http://server/pub/apache-maven/',
strip => true
version => '1',
package => 'maven'
- set the default working directory.
- Deploy a compressed file to a target directory.
- The target directory to decompress the archive file too.
- This parameter is required
- The URL where the file can be downloaded from.
- This parameter is required. Do no specify the file name in the URL.
- Define which user will owner deployed files. You need to declare this user.
- Define which group will owner deployed files. You need to declare this group.
- Defaults to undefined
- Strip root directory from archive file
- Defaults to 'false'
- Levels to strip from root directory from archive file
- Defaults to '1'
- Define an arbitrary version number for the tar file. Must be an integer.
- WARNING: Incrementing this version number removes target directory and and redeploys tar file. Both version and package must be defined.
- Defaults to undefined
- define an arbitrary package name for the tar file.
- creates a static fact [package]_version in /etc/facter/facts.d/ with file name [package].yaml. Both version and package must be defined.
- Defaults to undefined
- requires facter 1.7.x
- requires the /etc/facter/facts.d/ directory structure to be in place.
If you decide to use the version and package parameters you get to keep both pieces if it breaks. I certainly don't recommend managing packages this way.
- I'm sure there are many
###Supported Operating Systems:
- Ubuntu (12.04 LTS tested)
- Red Hat family (RHEL 5 and 6 tested)
- Copyright (C) 2013 Merritt Krakowitzer -
- Distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- Please submit a pull request or issue on GitHub
- Jonathan Johnson
- Andreyev Dias de Melo