Cordova Openui5 Template
This is a cordova project which consists of an "empty" openui5 ( web application. The openui5 application is a component application consisting of an empty main view page. Additional views and associated controllers can be added to their respective folders and to the routing defined in the manifest.json file.
An iOS* and Android application have been added to the cordova project.
*iOS app has not been tested
- openui5 v. 1.36.5
- cordova v. 6.1.0
- Android cordova platform v. 5.1.1
- iOS cordova platform v. 4.1.0
No plugins have been added but the following plugins are included by default when creating a cordova project:
- cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.2.1
To use this project as a template. Install cordova ( and create a new cordova project with this GitHub repository as the template:
$ cordova create myApp --template