Code for "The Structured Weighted Violation MIRA" by Dor Ringel, Rotem Dror, and Roi Reichart
In order to run the program the following dependencies need to be installed:
Java 1.8:
- Install Java 1.8 SDK and choose it as the project's SDK.
Gurobi optimization package:
- Download Gurobi from their website
- Install it
- Create and activate a license (free for academic purposes)
- Add installed gurobi.jar to the project's SDKs
Weka machine learning toolkit:
- Download Weka from their website
- Install it
- Add the installed weka.jar to the project's SDKs
Mallet machine learning toolkit:
- Install via Maven, using address: cc.mallet:mallet:2.0.8
Gson Java to Json converter
- Install via Maven, using address:
Running the code is done by the main method in Main class, located in: src/main/java/examples/
The parameters can be passed into the various experiments using the cvParams object (defined in src/main/java/examples/
There are three mandatory general parameters:
dataset: dataset to use. can be any of the following:
- genia
- bc2gm
- conll2002
- conll2000-chunking
numTrainIterations: number of iteration for the training process.
- Has to be a positive integer between 1 and 30.
maxFolds: number of folds to run.
- Has to be a positive integer between 1 and 9.
Additional algorithm-specific parameters include:
UpdatorClass - which updator algorithm to use.
kMira: K for MIRA (when choosing updatorClass KBestMiraUpdator).
- Has to be a positive integer between 1 and 9.
topK: top K inference results (when choosing updatorClass SWVPUpdator or SWVMUpdaor).
- Has to be a positive integer between 1 and 9.
maType: type of modification templates to use (when choosing updatorClass SWVPUpdator or SWVMUpdaor).
- can be aggresive, passive, or all.
jjTypw: size of modification templates to use (when choosing updatorClass SWVPUpdator or SWVMUpdaor).
- can be single or double.
gammaObjectiveType: type of objective function (when choosing updatorClass SWVPUpdator or SWVMUpdaor, and gammaCalculationMethod four).
gammaCalculationMethod: method for selecting gammas (when choosing updatorClass SWVPUpdator or SWVMUpdaor).
- can be uniform, wm, wmr, softmin or four.
gammaCalculationBeta: beta value for gamma calculation (when choosing updatorClass SWVPUpdator or SWVMUpdaor).
- can be a positive decimal number.
Each run creates a output-directory in src/main/java/examples/output_files/cv/{dataset}, where {dataset} refers to the chosen dataset. This output-directory contains average, fold-level, and sentence-level statistics and also the raw log file.
Logging is also sent to stdout.
In order to run CSP algorithm on the BC2GM dataset for 10 iteration and 2 on folds the following parameters should be specified:
cvParams.put("dataset", "bc2gm");
cvParams.put("numTrainIterations", "10");
cvParams.put("maxFolds", "2");
cvParams.put("updatorClass", "PerceptronUpdator");
In order to run SWVM algorithm on the CONLL2002 dataset for 15 iteration and 5 on folds, using size one modification templates, updating in respect to top three inference results, aggressive approach, and uniform gamma selection, the following parameters should be specified:
gammaObjectiveType and gammaCalculationBeta parameters will be ignored (due to the selection of uniform approach) but a legal value has to be specific for both of them regardless.
cvParams.put("dataset", "conll2002");
cvParams.put("numTrainIterations", "15");
cvParams.put("maxFolds", "5");
cvParams.put("updatorClass", "SWVMUpdator");
cvParams.put("topK", "3");
cvParams.put("maType", "aggresive");
cvParams.put("jjType", "single");
cvParams.put("gammaCalculationMethod", "uniform");
cvParams.put("gammaObjectiveType", "MAXIMIZE");
cvParams.put("gammaCalculationBeta", "1");
[1] D. Ringel, R. Dror, R. Reichart The Structured Weighted Violation MIRA
title={The Structured Weighted Violations MIRA},
author={Dor Ringel and Rotem Dror and Roi Reichart},