DebugHttp gives the CakePHP DebugKit plugin integration for HTTP requests using CakePHP's client.
The master
branch has the following requirements:
- CakePHP 3.4.0 or larger
- DebugKit 3.2 or larger
- Install the plugin with Composer from your CakePHP Project's ROOT directory (where the composer.json file is located)
php composer.phar require dorxy/debug_http "~1.0"
note this is not a dev requirement
Plugin::load('DebugKit', ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true]);
- Add the panel to DebugKit
Configure::write('DebugKit.panels', ['DebugHttp.ClientCall']);
- Set
'debug' => true,
Whenever you wish to have a client request appear in the DebugHttp panel you must use the provided client, e.g.:
$http = new \DebugHttp\Network\Http\Client();
The request and response will automatically appear in the Client calls panel, as well as their timing in the Timer panel.
If you have a problem with DebugHttp or wish to see other features please open an issue on GitHub.