what the fuck should lukas have for lunch*?
* at the regensburg university of applied sciences canteen
this repository contains the source code of whatthefuckshouldlukashaveforlunch, written in some c#
using the .net 6
anecdote: this code exists since i started programming. developed with absolutly zero knowledge. i'll probably never touch this code again.
recruters: please don't look
get the .net 6.0 sdk for your platform
clone this git repository and change into the repo directory:
# clone the repository $ git clone https://github.com/dotWee/whatthefuckshouldlukashaveforlunch.com # enter the source code root $ cd whatthefuckshouldlukashaveforlunch.com
(optional) update web dependencies (bootstrap & jquery w/ extensions) using libman
# to install libman $ dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.Web.LibraryManager.Cli # use libman to pull the binaries $ libman restore
pull required package dependencies:
$ dotnet restore
start building & run on localhost:
$ dotnet run info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Now listening on: http://localhost:5000 info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
now browse to localhost:5000
run using a self-made docker docker image
build the docker image:
$ docker build \ --pull --rm \ -t whatthefuckshouldlukashaveforlunch .
and run the fresh docker image:
$ docker run \ --rm -it \ -p 8080:80 \ whatthefuckshouldlukashaveforlunch
now browse to localhost:8080
or pull the docker image from the docker hub
pull the docker image:
$ docker pull dotwee/whatthefuckshouldlukashaveforlunch
and run the docker image:
$ docker run \ --rm -it \ -p 8080:80 \ dotwee/whatthefuckshouldlukashaveforlunch
now browse to localhost:8080
copyright (c) 2019 lukas 'dotwee' wolfsteiner lukas@wolfsteiner.media
licensed under the do what the fuck you want to public license