This repository provides an F# WebSharper binding for the CookieStore API, enabling seamless management of cookies in WebSharper applications.
The repository consists of two main projects:
Binding Project:
- Contains the F# WebSharper binding for the CookieStore API.
Sample Project:
- Demonstrates how to use the CookieStore API with WebSharper syntax.
- Includes a GitHub Pages demo: View Demo.
To use this package in your WebSharper project, add the NuGet package:
dotnet add package WebSharper.CookieStore
- .NET SDK installed on your machine.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd CookieStore
Build the Binding Project:
dotnet build WebSharper.CookieStore/WebSharper.CookieStore.fsproj
Build and Run the Sample Project:
cd WebSharper.CookieStore.Sample dotnet build dotnet run
Open the hosted demo to see the Sample project in action:
Below is an example of how to use the CookieStore API in a WebSharper project:
namespace WebSharper.CookieStore.Sample
open WebSharper
open WebSharper.JavaScript
open WebSharper.UI
open WebSharper.UI.Client
open WebSharper.UI.Templating
open WebSharper.CookieStore
module Client =
// The templates are loaded from the DOM, so you just can edit index.html
// and refresh your browser, no need to recompile unless you add or remove holes.
type IndexTemplate = Template<"wwwroot/index.html", ClientLoad.FromDocument>
let statusMessage = Var.Create "No cookie set."
let cookieStore = As<Window>(JS.Window).CookieStore
// Function to set a cookie
let setCookie() = promise {
do! cookieStore.Set("username", "JohnDoe", CookieStoreOptions(
Expires = float (Date.Now() + 86400 * 1000) // Cookie expires in 1 day
statusMessage.Value <- "Cookie Set: username=JohnDoe"
// Function to get a cookie
let getCookie() = promise {
let! cookie = cookieStore.Get("username")
if isNull(cookie) then
statusMessage.Value <- "No cookie found!"
statusMessage.Value <- $"Cookie Found: {cookie.Name}={cookie.Value}"
// Function to delete a cookie
let deleteCookie() = promise {
do! cookieStore.Delete("username")
statusMessage.Value <- "Cookie Deleted!"
// Function to handle cookie changes
let cookieChanges() =
cookieStore.AddEventListener("change", fun (event:Dom.Event) -> printfn($"Cookie Changed: {event}"))
let Main () =
.getCookie(fun _ ->
async {
do! getCookie().AsAsync()
|> Async.Start
.setCookie(fun _ ->
async {
do! setCookie().AsAsync()
|> Async.Start
.deleteCookie(fun _ ->
async {
do! deleteCookie().AsAsync()
|> Async.Start
|> Doc.RunById "main"
This example demonstrates how to set, retrieve, and delete cookies using the CookieStore API in a WebSharper project.
- Limited Browser Support: Some browsers may not fully support the CookieStore API; check MDN CookieStore API for the latest compatibility information.
- Secure Context Requirement: The CookieStore API requires HTTPS for secure cookie management.
- Same-Origin Policy: Cookies are subject to the same-origin policy, which affects cross-domain cookie access.