Doug de Jesus
This is a demonstration of the A* pathfinding algorithm. It simulates an agent (e.g. a robot) navigating to a goal through an obstacle-filled environment. Implementations for both single- and multi-agent systems are provided.
The environment is represented by a grid. Agents can move vertically or horizontally, but not diagonally. Obstacles that can be crossed with a movement penalty are shown as ® ('R' for "rock"), while impassable barriers are shown as a black square. An animation of the search process shows the set of squares that have been reached in dark blue, while the frontier of nodes to expand is in light blue. The final shortest path found is drawn with arrows.
For the multi-agent version, only one agent moves at a time. Agents are not allowed to move into an already occupied space. Each agent has its own specific goal location. The overall "path" is a sequence of states containing the positions of all the agents. This is an inefficient implementation, as the complexity grows factorially with the number of agents.
Note that the multi-agent version thus takes much longer to run than the single-agent version, and may not complete in a reasonable amount of time for more than three agents or for large grid sizes.
- Use python version 3.9 or higher
- To install the necessary libraries: pip install -r requirements.txt
- To run the single-agent simulation: python3
- To run the multi-agent simulation: python3
Modify the provided config files, single_agent.ini or multi_agent.ini, to change the parameters of the simulation. You can specify the size of the environment, the starting and goal positions for the agent(s), and the positions of the obstacles and barriers. Obstacles can be traversed by the agents, but have an increased movement cost that can also be configured. The cost for a movement without obstacles is 1. Barriers are spaces that cannot be entered at all.
For the single-agent version, you can also specify which heuristic to use for the estimated cost, either the L1-norm (Manhattan distance) or the L-infinity norm (chessboard distance). FOr the multi-agent version, the L1 norm is used.