A µLibrary for making calls using Doximity Dialer.
Doximity's Dialer app lets healthcare professionals make phone calls to patients while on the go -- without revealing personal phone numbers. Calls are routed through Doximity's HIPPA-secure platform and relayed to the patient who will see the doctor's office number in the Caller ID. Doximity Dialer is currently available to verified physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and pharmacists in the United States.
CallWithDoxDialer is a mobile library for Android that lets 3rd-party apps easily initiate calls through the Doximity Dialer app.
A sample project which provides runnable code examples that demonstrate uses of the classes in this project is available in the /CallWithDoxDialerSample
Method 1: Add JitPack repository in your root project build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Grab the latest version via Gradle, just add the dependency to your app's build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.doximity:android-dialer-call-lib:vX.X'
(Note: You must replace X.X with the latest library version, which can be found here https://jitpack.io/#doximity/android-dialer-call-lib)
Method 2: Download the library and import it as a module.
in Settings.gradle
include ':YourApp', ':CallWithDoxDialerLib'
then add the dependency to your app's build.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(':CallWithDoxDialerLib')
To initiate a call using Doximity Dialer, simply call the DoxDialerCaller.dialPhoneNumber(Context context, String phoneNumber)
If the Doximity Dialer app is not installed, this call will direct the user to Doximity Dialer on the Play Store.
Most reasonable phone number formats are accepted by the dialPhoneNumber
method, e.g.:
- using numbers only:
- formatted:
- with a leading international area code:
DoxDialerCaller.dialPhoneNumber(DialActivity.this, "4151234567");
DoxDialerCaller.dialPhoneNumber(DialActivity.this, "+1(415)123-4567");
The library also includes a version of the Doximity Dialer icon appropriate for use inside Button or ImageView.
It's available in the /DoxDialerIconDrawables
If you need any help, please reach out! dialer@doximity.com.