The Ollama Zig library provides the easiest way to integrate Zig 0.13+ projects with Ollama.
- Ollama should be installed and running
- Pull a model to use with the library:
ollama pull <model>
e.g.ollama pull llama3.2
- See for more information on the models available.
zig fetch --save git+
Adding to build.zig
const ollama = b.dependency("ollama-zig", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("ollama", ollama.module("ollama"));
Import it in your code:
const ollama = @import("ollama");
See types.zig for more information on the response types.
Response streaming can be enabled by setting .stream = true
try{ .model = "llama3.2", .stream = true, .messages = &.{
.{ .role = .user, .content = "Why is the sky blue?" },
} });
The Ollama Zig library's API is designed around the Ollama REST API
var responses = try{ .model = "llama3.2", .stream = false, .messages = &.{
.{ .role = .user, .content = "Why is the sky blue?" },
} });
while (try |chat| {
const content = chat.message.content;
std.debug.print("{s}", .{content});
var responses = try ollama.generate(.{ .model = "llama3.2", .prompt = "Why is the sky blue?" });
while (try |response| {
const content = response.response;
std.debug.print("{s}", .{content});
try ollama.create(.{ .model = "mario", .from = "llama3.2", .system = "You are Mario from Super Mario Bros." });
try ollama.copy("llama3.2", "user/llama3.2");
(In plan)Wait for the upstream update. see ollama/ollama#8753
try ollama.delete("llama3.2")
try ollama.pull("llama3.2")
try ollama.push(.{ .model = "dravenk/llama3.2"});
var input = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
try input.append("The sky is blue because of rayleigh scattering");
try input.append("Grass is green because of chlorophyll");
var responses = try ollama.embed(.{
.model = "dravenk/llama3.2",
.input = try input.toOwnedSlice(),
while (try |response| {
std.debug.print("total_duration: {d}\n", .{response.total_duration.?});
std.debug.print("prompt_eval_count: {d}\n", .{response.prompt_eval_count.?});
try ollama.version()
Errors are raised if requests return an error status or if an error is detected while streaming.