A powerful React Native library to track and log performance metrics for screens and components. It leverages the new architecture with TurboModules and Fabric for improved efficiency. The library provides insights into render times, draw times, and helps identify performance bottlenecks in your app.
All information about marco is available on our website.
Marco is under active development! Expect a lot of new features to appear soon🔥
- Expo support
- Realtime monitoring of events
- Navigation tracking support
- App Start time tracking ✅
- Support for multiple events selection in dashbaord ✅
- Native Event logging mechanism ✅
- Native view wrapper for brownfield apps
- Support for Traces and Spans
- OTEL support
- Multiple input sources support in dashboard
Join the DreamSportsLabs Community to chat about marco or other DreamSportsLabs libraries.
DreamSportsLabs is committed to building open-source tools that empower developers and businesses. Learn more about us at our website.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit a PR or raise issues for any bugs or feature requests.