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Greg Thole edited this page Apr 29, 2016 · 13 revisions


Find records with matching criteria, can be chained (see below):

Person.find({status:'active'}, function(err, results) {
  // ...

You can limit your results as well. This limits our results to 10

Person.find({status:'active'}, 10, function(err, results) {
  // ...

Person.all is an alias to Person.find


Find record by primary key.

Person.get(1, function(err, person) {
  // ...


Find one record with similar syntax to find.{status:'active'}, function(err, person) {
  // ...


Get the number of matching records.

Person.count({status:'active'}, function(err, activePeopleCount) {
  // ...


Test a record matching your conditions exists.

Person.exists({id:1, status:'active'}, function(err, personIsActive) {
  // ...

Filtering and sorting

We accept 2 objects to perform filtering (first) and aggregate (second). The aggregate object accepts limit, order, and groupBy.

Person.find({status:'active'}, {limit:10}, function(err, res) {
  // res is Person where col1 == 1 or col2 == 2

Conditions for find/count/one etc.

All comma separated key/values are AND'd together in the query. You may prefix a set of conditions with logical operators.

Person.find({or:[{col1: 1}, {col2: 2}]}, function(err, res) {
  // res is Person where col1 == 1 or col2 == 2

Finding with an IN

sql-query (underlying SQL engine) will automatically coerce any array to an IN based query.

Person.find({id: [1, 2]}, function(err, persons) {
  // Finds people with id's 1 and 2 (e.g. `WHERE id IN (1, 2)`)