description |
Best practices to organise Drupal projects |
As developers, we need better organised Drupal websites, because we should
not spend days trying to understand what previous developer built and where
it is all located.
As community members, we want to rely on community experience to make this a
truly community-driven guide.
As project participants, we need a centralised reference for such
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- To discuss anything, please open an issue.
- For changes, please make changes and create a Pull Request.
- Spread the word. We want more people to be involved in building good websites.
- DrevOps - Build, Test, Deploy scripts for Drupal using Docker and CI/CD
- Drupal module testing in CircleCI
- MariaDB Docker image with enclosed data - Docker image to capture database data as a Docker layer.
- CI Builder Docker image - Docker image for CI builder container with many pre-installed tools.
- Code Artifact Builder - Robo task to push git artefact to remote repository.
- GitHub Labels - Shell script to create labels on GitHub.
- Behat Steps - Collection of Behat step definitions.
- Behat Screenshot - Behat extension and a step definition to create HTML and image screenshots on demand or test fail.
- Behat Progress Fail - Behat output formatter to show progress as TAP and fails inline.