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Releases: drogue-iot/drg


21 Nov 07:54
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Version 0.11

New features

  • Added a drg apply subcommand. It's tailored to feel like the kubectl apply we are used to.
  • Added support for PSK credentials (see drogue-cloud 0.11 release.

Misc. changes

  • updated CI runners


  • Updated to colored_json 3
  • updated to drogue-client 0.11


15 Jul 07:28
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Version 0.10.2

Misc. changes

  • Added missing JSON output for version


06 Jul 14:27
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Version 0.10.0

New features

  • Added an interactive / terminal mode : start it with drg --interactive
  • Added an --insecure flag for drg stream allowing to connect to servers using self-signed certificates (e.g. drogue-server)

Misc. changes

  • Added missing JSON output for login, config and whoami
  • Added support for refreshing the auth token in drg stream to keep alive the connection


  • Updated to tungstenite 0.17.2
  • updated to tiny_http 0.8.0
  • updated to drogue-client 0.10.1

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0

Version 0.9.0

01 Jun 10:12
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Version 0.9.0

New features

  • Reworked the CLI flow : general improvement in usability, better help messages.
  • drg can now set labels using drg label subcommand : drg label device myDevice aLabel bar=baz or drg label app myApp key=val someOtherLabel
  • drg stream can now filter the stream to only display messages coming from a given device.
  • Add a json output : -o json
  • Add a -o wide option when listing devices to show more information. Thanks to lulf !
  • Drg now uses drogue-client under the hood.
  • Add a "--active" flag to drg config show to only show the current active context.
  • Add access tokens support. You can now login using an access token : drg login <url> --access-token <yourtoken>

Misc. changes

  • Swap the position of passwords arguments for drg set password to make it more aligned with how the data hierarchy.
  • When creating or updating an application or a device with a full spec file, the application name or device Id will be red from the file, without needing to input it.
  • When creating a token, a description can be optionally provided.
  • Big internal refactoring improving code maintainability.
  • Add integration tests

Bug fixes

  • Prevents renaming a context with a name that already exist in the config file.


  • Updated to clap 3.0
  • updated to oauth 4.1.0
  • updated to tabular 0.2.0


01 Dec 13:24
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Version 0.8.0

New features

  • Added an admin subcommand to manage application members, transfer application ownership and manage access tokens.
  • Added optional -n parameter for the stream command to stream a fixed number of messages.

Bug fixes

  • Add URL encoding for user supplied values.

Misc. changes

  • Add aliases for drg stream : consume, subscribe are now valid aliases.


22 Sep 08:09
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Version 0.7.0

New features

  • Added a stream subcommand to tap in the websocket integration service and stream events
  • Added a trust subcommand to manage certificates and trust anchors for devices and apps.
  • Added a set operation to easily add credentials, gateway or alias to a device.
  • Devices and apps can now be listed if not ID is specified : drg get apps will list existing apps.
    Plural and singular forms of a resource can be used interchangeably.
  • Endpoints information in drg whoami -e. It's also possible to specify a service name to get only the url.
  • Added a cmd subcommand to issue commands for devices using the command endpoint.

Bug fixes

Misc. changes

  • Improved debug messages related to the open ID authentication flow.
  • When using edit, drg won't send anything to the server if there are no changes.
  • Automated builds
  • Add an "ignore-missing" flag to ignore 404 error when deleting a resource.


  • drg token is removed. Please use drg whoami --token
  • --data argument is deprecated. Use --spec instead.


26 May 15:19
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Release v0.5.1

Changelog :

- the login flow will no longer ask for a context name and select
  default if none is provided through `--context`
- Added list operation : `get devices` now prints a list of devices.
  Lists can be filtered with labels. See readme.
- If no changes are made in `drg edit` the result is not send to the
- The `edit` operation now present YAML data for nicer editing
- Bug fixes and small improvements.


11 May 11:56
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release 0.5.0

drg v0.4.1

23 Apr 11:06
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Drg v0.4.1

This is a service release.
Changes :

  • Fix : drg token was not refreshing the token if it was expired
  • Feature : when editing a resource data, a json suffix is appended to the tem file, properly triggering syntax highlighting in editors.
  • Linux build is now compatible with : fedora, archlinux, ubuntu, centOS and Debian.
  • MacOs and linux automated builds with github CI

drgctl v0.4.0

16 Apr 13:01
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This release is compatible with drogue-cloud 0.4.0.
Previous drg config files are not compatible with this version.

Changelog :

  • Adding support for multiples contexts.
  • Create resources from json files
  • update resources from json files
  • Changed config file to YAML.
  • Pull default app and active context from env variables.
  • automatically open browser when logging in
  • --data renamed to --spec. See -f option to pass a full data object.

See blog post for usage details.