Package scm provides a unified interface to multiple source code management systems including GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, Bitbucket, Bitbucket Server, Gitee, Gitea and Gogs.
Create a GitHub client:
package main
import (
func main() {
client := github.NewDefault()
Create a GitHub Enterprise client:
import (
func main() {
client, err := github.New("")
Create a Bitbucket client:
import (
func main() {
client, err := bitbucket.New()
Create a Bitbucket Server (Stash) client:
import (
func main() {
client, err := stash.New("")
Create a Gitea client:
import (
func main() {
client, err := gitea.New("")
Create a Gitee client:
import (
func main() {
client, err := gitee.New("")
The scm client does not directly handle authentication. Instead, when creating a new client, provide an http.Client
that can handle authentication for you. For convenience, this library includes oauth1 and oauth2 implementations that can be used to authenticate requests.
package main
import (
func main() {
client := github.NewDefault()
// provide a custom http.Client with a transport
// that injects the oauth2 token.
client.Client = &http.Client{
Transport: &oauth2.Transport{
Source: oauth2.StaticTokenSource(
Token: "ecf4c1f9869f59758e679ab54b4",
// provide a custom http.Client with a transport
// that injects the private GitLab token through
// the PRIVATE_TOKEN header variable.
client.Client = &http.Client{
Transport: &transport.PrivateToken{
Token: "ecf4c1f9869f59758e679ab54b4",
The scm client exposes dozens of endpoints for working with repositories, issues, comments, files and more. Please see the godocs to learn more.
Example code to get an issue:
issue, _, err := client.Issues.Find(ctx, "octocat/Hello-World", 1)
Example code to get a list of issues:
opts := scm.IssueListOptions{
Page: 1,
Size: 30,
Open: true,
Closed: false,
issues, _, err := client.Issues.List(ctx, "octocat/Hello-World", opts)
Example code to create an issue comment:
in := &scm.CommentInput{
Body: "Found a bug",
comment, _, err := client.Issues.CreateComment(ctx, "octocat/Hello-World", 1, in)
Here are some useful links to providers API documentation:
- Azure DevOps
- Bitbucket cloud API
- Bitbucket server/Stash API
- Gitea API
- Gitee API
- Github API
- Gitlab API
- Gogs API
Run the changelog generator.
docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/local/src/your-app githubchangeloggenerator/github-changelog-generator -u drone -p go-scm -t <secret github token>
You can generate a token by logging into your GitHub account and going to Settings -> Personal access tokens.
Next we tag the PR's with the fixes or enhancements labels. If the PR does not fufil the requirements, do not add a label.
Run the changelog generator again with the future version according to semver.
docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/local/src/your-app githubchangeloggenerator/github-changelog-generator -u drone -p go-scm -t <secret token> --future-release v1.15.2
Create your pull request for the release. Get it merged then tag the release.